The Money List
Live From the 'Shoe
The Play-by-Play

A Message from Chuck Weinstock
This is the last chapter in the reporting of the
1998 World Series of Poker. I'd like to thank Mike Paulle and
Tom Sims for the terrific job they did this year. And, I'd like
to thank you, the faithful reader, for caring enough to read their
efforts. Finally, a special thanks to Jim Albrecht and Binion's
Horseshoe for all of his assistance in making this happen.
We will announce when the play-by-play's of the final tables
becomes available.
Hope to see you all at the final table next year.
You made it!!! The Final Table of the World Series of Poker.
Since it's vacant, we'll put you in the six seat between
Scotty Nguyen and the dealer.
This is what you see.
Completely different from every other Final Table this year,
you've entered a set for a television show. Overhead, the
lights form a circle around the table. Behind you is a
raised podium where the commentators sit. There are ESPN
cameras in every direction. One is trained right on your
hand. Another camera is at the end of a giant boom that
extends out over the table.
Your every movement is followed by at least one camera. If
you didn't know before that this was a big deal, you know it
On the other side of the dealer, Kevin McBride is your small
blind. Lee Salem is your big blind. You're not worried about
Salem. He drew the two seat, poor guy. No one has won an
event from the two seat in this year's World Series. You
hope he stays around for awhile, though. Because if Salem
gets up, T.J. Cloutier in the three seat, becomes your big
The director is standing just to your left. He wants you to
flash your cards to the camera. He's saying, hopefully, that
no one will see them before the scheduled telecast in a
couple of months. You decide not to let anyone see your
cards at first, but you'll think about it.
Directly across from you, behind Cloutier and Dewey Weum, is
the comforting presence of a standing Jack McClelland. You
know Jack will make sure that this will be a real poker
game, not just a media circus.
Beyond Jack is a barrier. Behind that are the fans. The room
is packed. As close as they are, they are hard to see
because the table area is so brightly lit.
You have to wake up now, they are about to start. Your dream
of making the Final Table is still unrealized.
Maybe next year.
After three grueling days, these five survivors are the last
left sitting. Every other entrant has had their chair pulled
out from under them.
The Dancers are:
Kevin McBride from Boca Raton FL. No one really knows him.
We've been told he just started playing tournament poker in
January of this year, and won his seat in a Super Satellite.
Wow, what a fantasy trip this must be for him!
Lee Salem from San Diego CA. He's not well known, either,
but is an experienced player.
T.J. Cloutier from Houston TX. What can you say about T.J.
except "Been here, done this." He's done everything, that is,
except win the Big One.
Dewey Weum from Monona WI. Another known quantity. A veteran
of the poker wars, Dewey can be depended upon to be tough.
And Scotty Nguyen from Henderson NV. A very aggressive
player, Scotty is expected to bring action to the table.
The average chip count for the five players is $700,000.
Three have more than that, two have a lot less. The lowest
chips belong to Lee Salem. He wants to do something about
that right away.
He does, he loses them all.
Soon after we start, Kevin McBride raises 40k on the button.
Lee Salem goes over the top with A J in the small blind for
163k more, all-in. Kevin called with the A 4 of clubs.
The flop is K 8 7 with two clubs, and in a continuation of
what happened yesterday, once again, the best hand pre-flop
is dead meat.
A club comes on the turn. Gee, Lee, we hardly knew ya.
Almost immediately, the game is really short-handed. With
each round costing 23k in antes and blinds, this is a huge
advantage to the bigger stacks. Only Dewey Weum, with about
35 times the big blind, is in any danger.
Soon after Lee Salem leaves, the expected pattern starts to
emerge. Dewey Weum raises the big blind for 50k. Scotty
Nguyen raises 120k. Dewey folds. This is what one of the
three large stacks is supposed to do. Scotty does it this
Not long after, Kevin McBride on the button raises the
blinds 50k. T.J. re-raises 200k. Kevin, as all the remaining
players will do repeatedly, shows his hand. McBride lays
down a pair of 10's.
In the first big pot four handed, Kevin McBride calls Scotty
Nguyen's 200k bet on the turn and turns over a 3 5 for a
straight. Kevin takes over the chip lead.
Later, in what's to be a rare sight this day, McBride goes
over the top of Cloutier's 200k bet all-in for 900k.
Cloutier folds. Kevin shows Kings.
After a few more hands we have our first break. The ante and
blind level, that was carried over from yesterday, is
history. We're going to "get it out of the mud" as Rudy
Lotief likes to say.
The new ante is $2,000 and the blinds are $10,000 and
$20,000. With only four players, a round comes insanely
fast. And at $38,000 a round, we're talking about real
In one of the first hands of the new level, Nguyen bets 190k
on the river with the board A 9 5 A 5. McBride shows K K and
The higher level soon does it's job, it scares a small stack
into acting.
On the button, Dewey Weum goes all-in with his last 150k.
McBride does what he likes to do best. From the big blind
this time, he calls.
McBride calls so much, he should do commercials for the
phone company.
Weum has A 7. Kevin has K J of Diamonds. Not to keep us in
suspense, the flop comes K K 7.
"Well, when you're running good, you're running good."
McBride says smiling, before Dewey Weum can even leave the
table. He's inexperienced, you'll have to forgive him.
In an interesting confrontation that follows, Cloutier twice
checks the flopped second nut flush. T.J. has to bet on the
river to try to make something, but Nguyen doesn't bite.
Cloutier bets 200k, Scotty folds a pocket pair of 9's.
Kevin McBride has established a pattern of betting. Call a
raise, bet first. This time Scotty Nguyen raises 70k. The
flop is K 9 3. McBride bets out 100k. Scotty folds. Kevin
shows a King.
Scotty Nguyen sees McBride's pattern, of course, and takes
advantage of it. Nguyen raises 70k on the button. Kevin
calls as usual. The flop comes 6 6 3. Kevin bets as usual,
this time it's 60k. Nguyen pops him 170k. Kevin strokes his
goatee a minute then folds. Cloutier turns to Jack
McClelland behind him to ask if the dealer can turn over T.
J.'s mucked hand. It's an A 6.
Soon, it's McBride and Nguyen, again, checking to the river.
The board is K 3 2 3 4. Kevin turns over K 6, Scotty K 4.
After the hand, the chatty McBride asks Nguyen "Would you
feel left out, if you were not in a hand?" This is the
"calling station" calling the kettle black!
Scotty Nguyen is a prideful poker player. He's not going to
forget this goading.
Soon it's Cloutier's turn to raise. He bets 40k on the
button. To no one's surprise, the guy who "never plays a
hand", Kevin McBride calls. The flop is 3 4 5, both check.
The turn is a 10. Kevin bets 60k, T J calls. Another 10
falls on the river. Kevin bets 100k, T J calls again.
McBride has K K. Kevin's trap call almost cost him, but
didn't this time.
Does McBride ever give those Kings back to the dealer?
McBride is chirping now. "I've had Kings a lot," he says.
"Yesterday I put Jesse (Jones), who had Aces, out with them
when I flopped a set."
Kevin doesn't even sense that the two veterans would like to
kill him.
The surprise for T.J. Cloutier at this final table is that
McBride, the rookie, calls all of Nguyen's raises. Cloutier
can't get Heads up. It's cost him over 1/3 of his stack to
watch almost every hand.
Soon it's time to make a move. In the small blind, McBride
raises 40k. Cloutier re-pops 120k. McBride calls. The flop
is 4 5 7 with two spades.
T.J. goes all-in with 400k. This is a recording: Kevin
calls. Cloutier has K Q. McBride has J 9 of spades.
McBride calls T.J. with a flush draw. He can't be thinking
his J 9 are the high cards. Or is he thinking? Maybe Kevin's
been so hot for so long, he thinks he can play any two cards
and win.
He can play any two cards and win.
In a $1.2 million pot, the turn is a Jack. T.J. Cloutier
fails to win the Big One, again.
As heads up play starts, McBride has $2.2 million, Nguyen
has $1.3 million. Scotty, even with the fewer chips, has
been in this situation so many times that it's hard not to
consider him the favorite. He will be the aggressor, and at
34k a round, the big blind comes every other hand.
In the first decisive hands between the two, McBride finally
starts to pay for his inexperience and passivity.
In an un raised pot, the flop comes K Q 9 with two hearts.
Kevin and Scotty check. It wouldn't have been a bad idea for
Kevin to put in a decent sized bet here with second pair. It
is heads up. A pair should be a big hand. If he gets
playback, he can fold.
The turn brings the Ace of Hearts. One card too late, Kevin
bets 60k, Scotty calls. The river is the Queen of Hearts.
Kevin tries 100k. Scotty thinks for some time. Finally,
Nguyen calls and turns over the 3 of Hearts for a flush.
The guys are even, $1.75 million each.
Now, it's Nguyen who takes the chip lead.
Scotty raises 60k to go. Kevin, stuck in a groove, calls.
The flop is K Q 9 with two hearts, again. Almost the
identical flop to the last time. Kevin makes his pattern bet
of 60k. Scotty calls. The turn is a 5. Kevin checks. Nguyen
bets 100k, McBride calls. The river is an A. Kevin bets
200k, Scotty raises 400k. Kevin folds.
Kevin McBride isn't finished, though, because Scotty Nguyen
gives him the chip lead back on this hand.
With the board A 10 10 K 3. The betting on the river is
raised and re-raised until Scotty calls Kevin's 250k.
McBride turns over pocket 3's to win. It was Nguyen this
time who failed to bet enough on the flop or turn and lost
because of it.
Nguyen is visibly angry with himself. He returns to his
aggressor role with a vengeance.
Raising before the flop and betting out 80k, Nguyen is
re-raised 200k by McBride. The flop is Q 10 7. The turn is
bet by Scotty and called by Kevin. The river is a King.
Scotty bets 500k and Kevin folds.
After a break, the antes and blinds go up to 3k, 15k/30k.
Taking over, finally, Scotty Nguyen takes $700,000 from
Kevin on a fold and a baby straight. Nguyen has a 4-1 chip
lead and looks like the sure winner.
But there's no quit in Kevin McBride. What he lacks in
experience he's makes up for in...lack of experience.
Kevin's all-in bet of $280,000 on the flop isn't called by
Nguyen. The flop is A 10 5. McBride shows Nguyen and the
cameras a 3 5. Scotty isn't happy about being shown up and
barks at Kevin.
Again, Nguyen lets McBride off the hook with a weak play.
The flop is A 4 3 with two clubs. Scotty has A Q and only
bets 30k. The turn us a 4. He bets 80k. The river is a 9.
Nguyen now bets 200k. It's too late. McBride goes all- in.
Scotty calls. Kevin turns over a 4 5. Nguyen has reopened
the door for McBride for some reason.
The crowd is buzzing as the chip count is $2.0 million for
Nguyen to $1.5 million for McBride. Could we be in for an
Now Nguyen is steaming. With the board A K 9 J 8, Scotty had
gone up the ladder with bets of 40k,120k and 300k on the
river. McBride can't call the last one.
Nguyen turns over 5 6 for a stone cold bluff.
It's almost over, we just don't know it yet.
McBride's got one last joust at the title. When a fourth
heart hits the river, Scotty bets 70k. Pausing dramatically
trying to suck Scotty in, Kevin raises $240,000. Smelling a
rat, Scotty folds. Kevin shows the nuts, an Ace of Hearts.
In the hand that breaks McBride's spirit, Kevin for the
hundredth time only calls a raise. The flop comes K 7 2.
McBride breaks his pattern and checks. This time it's a
fatal mistake. The turn is an Ace. Again, Kevin is
paralyzed. He checks. The river is a Queen. Everyone in the
house knows what Scotty has, except Kevin McBride.
Kevin, in a critical error, has waited too long. He bets
$120. Scotty wants so much to bet enough to put Kevin
all-in, but is afraid McBride will fold. He decides that
300k is just enough to get a call.
The vast experience difference between Scotty Nguyen and
Kevin McBride finally pays off for Scotty. Kevin calls the
$300,000. Nguyen turns over the nuts. J 10. Kevin has A Q
for top two pair.
It's all over but the shouting and one last hand.
McBride raises the big blind $50,000. Nguyen calls. The flop
comes 9 9 8. Kevin bets 100k, Scotty smooth calls. The turn
is an 8. Again a 100k bet by McBride and another call by
Nguyen. The river is yet another 8. Now it's Nguyen who
almost waited too long. If McBride has an 8, he wins with
The board is 9 9 8 8 8
Scotty goes all-in and Kevin calls with his last $310,000,
saying "I'll play the board."
Scotty Nguyen doesn't want to play the board. Scotty
improves the board and wins the Championship. He has J 9.
The crowd goes nuts. Kevin McBride calmly mucks his hand
and no one sees it.
The veteran and the rookie shake hands.
Scotty Nguyen is "The Lord of the Dance" and new World
Champion. No one can ever take that away from him.
1 . | Scotty Nguyen | Henderson NV | $1,000,000 |
2. | Kevin McBride | Boca Raton FL | 687,500 |
3. | T.J. Cloutier | Dallas TX | 437,500 |
4. | Dewey Weum | Monona WI | 250,000 |
5. | Lee Salem | San Diego CA | 190,000 |
6. | Ben Roberts | London ENG | 150,000 |
7. | Jan Lundberg | London ENG | 112,500 |
8. | Mark Brochard | Paris FRANCE | 75,000 |
9. | Paul McKinney | Princeton WV | 57,500 |
10. | Susie Isaacs | Las Vegas | 40,000 |
11. | Mike Laing | Franklin PA | 40,000 |
12. | Bobby Hoff | Cerritos CA | 40,000 |
13. | Paul Kroh | Logandale NV | 35,000 |
14. | Mark Weitzman | Long Beach CA | 35,000 |
15. | Danny Dang | Whittier CA | 35,000 |
16. | Sooyoung Kim | Kent WA | 30,000 |
17. | Kathy Liebert | Las Vegas | 30,000 |
18. | Tommy Jin Joo | Brooklyn NY | 30,000 |
19. | David Kim | Atherton CA | 25,000 |
20. | Vince Burgio | West Hills CA | 25,000 |
21. | Thor Hansen | Oslo NORWAY | 25,000 |
22. | Jack Keller | Lake Cormorant MS | 25,000 |
23. | Rod Peate | Redondo Beach CA | 25,000 |
24. | David Mosely | London ENG | 25,000 |
25. | Eskimo Clark | New Orleans LA | 25,000 |
26. | Jack Fox | Reno NV | 25,000 |
27. | Farzad Bonyadi | Los Angeles CA | 25,000 |
The Temperature sign atop Binion's Horseshoe read
72 degrees at 9:30 AM on Thursday morning. It was sunny out
with a few clouds. There was a 15 mph SW wind gusting to 30
The $10,000 Final Table was held indoors, in the Special
Events room. The room was packed, as was the TV viewing area
set up for the General Public in the Tournament Pavilion. I
don't believe that anyone other than Press, family and
friends were admitted to the live viewing area.
Vince Van Patton and Jim Albrecht provided the ESPN
commentary, and rotated in several well known poker
personalities to provide additional color.
ESPN once again dominated the Final Day proceedings. Their
cameras were everywhere inside (and outside) the rail, and
you were always trying to look around an ESPN person. Press
access didn't mean much, if your badge didn't say ESPN on
Cards were in the air at 10:38 AM today as opposed to 11:15
AM last year. There was the usual coaching of the audience
by the ESPN director, to make things better for TV, and they
re shot the opening sequence about four times, but in
general, things went a lot smoother this year.
Mike Paulle and I were given "just outside, and on the rail
access" and it proved to be adequate for our purposes. At
least we could see the TV monitors (as opposed to last year,
when the sun glare rendered them useless). I don't believe
that we missed any info in recording the Play-by-Play data.
ESPN is scheduled to run today's final table on 12 July
Scotty Nguyen: Sun glasses, black and white dress shirt,
white linen slacks, cream jacket, short white boots, lots
of gold around his neck and on his fingers.
Kevin McBride: Black tee shirt, blue jeans, red 1998 WSOP
jacket, black canvas tennis shoes.
Dewey Weum: Dark slacks, horizontally striped golf shirt,
grey jacket, dress loafers, and wore a white tennis visor.
T.J. Cloutier: Light brown slacks, black Horseshoe golf
shirt (same as worn by Horseshoe staff), light brown
Horseshoe jacket, cream leather walking shoes.
Lee Salem: Blue jeans, white tee shirt, red jacket and blue
baseball cap.
Kevin McBride brought a gift for each of his opponents ... A
bottle of Moet Chandon champagne. He suggested that they go
ahead and enjoy their gifts, immediately.
As soon as Lee Salem busted out, Jack McClelland announced
"Seat open in the poker game."
After announcing an early chip count, Jack McClelland said
"and Jack Binion has all the rest."
Jack McClelland reminded all of the players that "The
Horseshoe craps tables will be open all night."
An obviously disappointed T.J. Cloutier, said "I got all of
my money into the pot, with the best hand".
Kevin McBride was the life of the party for most of today's
Final Table. Almost non stop chatter and comments. His
attitude became more serious, and his comments fewer and
further between, near the end, when he fell behind in heads
up play with Scotty Nguyen.
During Heads up play, Scotty said "We're about even now".
Kevin replied "We're not even. You're about $500,000 ahead,
but we're having fun."
Kevin McBride was a frequent walker today, as he had been on
Day 3. On one hand, Scotty also got up, and both were
several feet from the table, during the play of a hand.
When one pot was checked on the flop and turn, and then
raised and re-raised on the river, Jack McClelland said
"They forgot to check their cards until the river."
They brought the $1,000,000 in cash out in a Mountain Valley
Spring water card board box. MVW apparently is a sponsor of
the ESPN Telecast.
Amarillo Slim wandered by the Final Table, after being
interviewed on camera by Vince Van Patton and Jim Albrecht,
and faked taking a stack of the $100 bills.
The hand where Kevin McBride went all-in, holding 4 5,
with two 4's on the board, was about a $1,500,000 pot. As
soon as Kevin raised all-in, he left the room (presumably on
a restroom break), and didn't return for a couple of
minutes. No one knew where he had gone, or why. Scotty
(obviously puzzled by Kevin's absence) also got up and
walked around a bit while Kevin was gone.
$12,482,000 (1998) vs $12,259,000 (1997)
Today's Final Day, Final Table lasted 5 hours and 56
minutes, as opposed to last year's 3 hours and 46 minutes.
Heads up play between Scotty Nguyen and Kevin McBride lasted
3 hours and 52 minutes. It seemed a lot longer.
| 1998 | 1997 | CUM DIFF |
Event #1 | $2000 Holdem | 5:32 | 2:36 | + 2:56 |
Event #2 | $1500 Razz | 4:37 | 4:02 | 3:31 |
Event #3 | $1500 Omaha | 3:00 | 3:59 | 2:32 |
Event #4 | $1500 Stud | 2:39 | 3:58 | 1:13 |
Event #5 | $1500 PL Omaha | 5:06 | 3:41 | 2:38 |
Event #6 | $1500 Stud Hi/Lo 8 | 3:51 | 3:08 | 3:21 |
Event #7 | $2000 NL Holdem | 1:59 | 3:22 | 1:58 |
Event #8 | $2000 Omaha Hi/Lo 8 | 3:49 | 3:28 | 2:19 |
Event #9 | $2000 PL Holdem | 4:12 | 3:11 | 3:20 |
Event #10 | $2500 Stud | 4:10 | 3:12 | 4:18 |
Event #11 | $2500 PL Omaha | 3:21 | 3:45 | 3:54 |
Event #12 | $2500 Stud Hi/Lo 8 | 5:31 | 4:12 | 5:13 |
Event #13 | $3000 Holdem | 5:08 | 4:26 | 5:55 |
Event #14 | $3000 Omaha Hi/Lo 8 | 3:08 | 4:26 | 4:37 |
Event #15 | $3000 PL Holdem | 3:56 | 2:23 | 6:10 |
Event #16 | $5000 NL 2 to 7 | 3:18 | 2:41 | 6:47 |
Event #17 | $5000 NL Holdem | 2:54 | 3:38 | 6:03 |
Event #18 | $5000 7 Stud | 2:24 | 3:48 | 4:39 |
Event #98 | $5000 Holdem | 4:38 | 3:12 | 6:05 |
Event #20 | $1000 Ladies 7 Stud | 2:14 | ? | - |
Event #21 | $10000 Final Day | 5:56 | 3:47 | 8:14 |
First 20 Events: $8,982,000 (1998) vs $9,139,000 (1997)
We're not aware of any Final Table Deal. When they were down
to the final two, we overheard Scotty Nguyen telling a
friend that there was not, and would not be a money deal.
Event #1 | $2000 Holdem | Deal Unlikely |
Event #2 | $1500 Razz | Deal Unlikely |
Event #3 | $1500 Omaha | Deal Probable |
Event #4 | $1500 7 Stud | Deal Probable |
Event #5 | $1500 PL Omaha | Deal Probable |
Event #6 | $1500 Stud Hi/LO 8 | Deal Probable |
Event #7 | $2000 NL Holdem | Deal Unlikely |
Event #8 | $2000 Omaha Hi/Lo 8 | Deal Probable |
Event #9 | $2000 PL Holdem | Deal Unlikely |
Event #10 | $2500 7 Stud | Deal Probable |
Event #11 | $2500 PL Omaha | Deal Unlikely |
Event #12 | $2500 Stud Hi/Lo 8 | Deal Probable |
Event #13 | $3000 Limit Holdem | Deal Unlikely |
Event #14 | $3000 Omaha Hi/Lo 8 | Deal Probable |
Event #15 | $3000 PL Holdem | Deal Unlikely |
Event #16 | $5000 NL Deuce to Seven | Deal Unlikely |
Event #17 | $3000 NL Holdem | Deal Probable |
Event #18 | $5000 7 Stud | Deal Probable |
Event #19 | $5000 Holdem | Deal Probable |
Event #20 | $1000 Ladies 7 Stud | Deal Unlikely |
Event #21 | $10000 NL Holdem | Deal Unlikely |
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Barry Shulman | 20 Minutes |
Ray Dehkharghani | 20 Minutes |
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Phil Tanner | 20 Minutes |
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Thi Thi Tran | 20 Minutes |
Phil Tanner | 20 Minutes |
Paul Kroh | 20 Minutes |
Joe Macchiaverna | 20 Minutes |
Joe Gualtieri | 20 Minutes |
Ron Stanley | 20 Minutes |
Mike Schichtman | 20 minutes |
John Aglialoro
Jaggi Alphons
Greg Alston
Lazarou Anastassion
Mickey Appleman
Bill Argyros
Dolph Arnold
Sven Arntzen
Louis Asmo
Bruce Atkinson
Fariborz Azima
Bobby Baldwin
Edgar Barham
Don Barton
Joe Baumgartner
Billy Baxter
Derrick Baxter
Jim Bayton
Jim Bechtel
Paul Begun
Larry Beilfuss
Lyle Berman
Michael Bittan
Chris Bjorin
Andrew Black
Andy Bloch
John Bonetti
Fred Bonyadi
Bill Boston
Andre Boyer
John Bradley
Steve Brecher
Peter Brehm
Alex Brenes
Humberto Brenes
Dan Brings
Marc Jean Brochard
Alan Brodsky
Catherine Brown
Fred Brown
Jim Brown
Patrick Bruel
Doyle Brunson
Todd Brunson
Ken Buntjer
Vince Burgio
Debbie Burkhead
Scott Byron
Pat Callihan
Martin Canavan
Mike Caro
Dick Carson
Brent Carter
"Miami" John Cernuto
Jimmy Cha
Johnny Chan
Xanthos Charalambos
Tony Chaskelson
Percy Chen
David Chiu
Paul "Eskimo" Clark
David Cleary
T.J. Cloutier
Don Coates
Caesar Como
Bruce Corman
Glen Cozzen
Jack Culp
Allen Cunningham
Matt Damon
Danny Dang
Hamid Dastmalchi
Fred David
Cliff Davis
Al DeCarlo
Freddy Deeb
Asher Derei
Annie Duke
Tam Duong
Cal Dykes
Gus Echeverri
Frank Edinger
Mark Edwards
Al Emerson
Barbara Enright
Bob Ensley
Hershey Entin
Mori Eskandani
John Esposito
Super Mario Esquerra
Albert Joseph Ethier
Ali Farsai
Bob Feduniak
Maureen Pang Feduniak
Chris "Jesus" Ferguson
Michael Finn
Bruno Fitoussi
Layne Flack
Ken Flayton
Lewis Flemming
Pat Fleming
Lian Flood
Roy Flowerday
Ted Forrest
Jack Fox
Noli Francisco
John Franjesh
Tom Franklin
Gus Friedman
John Galbraith
Bill Gazes
Chau Giang
John Gledhill
Alan Goehring
John Goodfellow
John Gordon
Jason Gray
Scott Gray
Jack Green
Perry Green
Barry Greenstein
David Grey
Tommy Grimes
Sam Grizzle
Oklahoma Johnny Hale
Gorden L. Hall
Russ Hamilton
Thor Hansen
Jennifer Harmon
Dan Harrington
Gene Harris
Richard Harroch
Mike Hart
Tony Hartman
Chehab Hassan
Gary Haubelt
Pete Haugan
John Heaney
Dan Heimiller
Jay Heimowitz
Phil Hellmuth Jr.
Frank Henderson
Frank Hernandez
Paul Hoenke
Bobby Hoff
Randy Holland
Don Holt
Paul Honas
Ralph Hoots
Kent Hori
Tommy Huffnagle
LA Hung
Susie Isaacs
Ken Jacobs
Tom Jacobs
Gus Jacobson
Bjorn Janson
Tommy Jin-Joo
Berry Johnston
Crews Johnston
Jesse Jones
John Juanda
Mel Judah
Hal Kant
Jim Karambinis
Bob Karp
Casey Kastle
Steve Kaufman
Jack Keller
Robert Kennewick
Morris Kessler
Earl Key
David Kim
Sooyoung Kim
Richard Klamian
"Q" Knopow
Robert Kojfer
Kathy Kolberg
Michael Konik
Brian Koppelman
Vic Kramer
Paul Kroh
Mark Kroon
Brian Kruger
Matti Kuortti
Paul Ladanyi
Mike Laing
Phat Lam
William Lamkin
Frank Landen
Tony Lantz
Vasilios Lazarou
Howard Lederer
Matt Lefkowitz
Ken Lenaard
Gary Lent
Bill Lester
Jason Lester
Ralph Levine
Kathy Liebert
Jaime Ligator
Andy Lin
Bob Loar
R. London
O'Neil Longson
Steve Lott
Hans "Tuna" Lund
Jan Lundberg
Men Thoai Ly
Hieu Ma
Mike Magee
Mike Markos
Paul Martin
Jim Masclher
J.P. Massar
Phil Mazzela
Kevin McBride
Tom McCormick
Tom McEvoy
George McKeever
Carl McKelvy
Paul McKinney
Steve Melton
Milt Meyers
Phyllis Meyers
R.W. Miller
David Monico
Roger Moore
David Mosley
Joel Nacht
Yosh Nakano
Mark Napolitano
Dan Negreanu
Men Nguyen
Scotty Nguyen
Tam Van Nguyen
Jeff Norman
Edward Norton
Don O'Dea
Henry Orenstein
Michael Pancer
Shelby Parrot
J.C. Pearson
Rod Peate
Ralph Perivoskin
Pascal Perrault
Robert Perry
Steve Pestal
Flan "Irish Mike" Pilkington
Cesare Poggi
Dean Potashner
Amarillo Slim Preston
Robert Redman
John Richman
Benjamin Roberts
Donnie Robinson
Blair Rodman
David Roepke
Lucy Rokach
Dana Ronald
Mark Rose
Jose Rosenkrantz
Jeff Rothstein
Paul Rowe
David Rubin
Steve Rydel
Lee Salem
Fred Saliba
Junior Sample
Luis Santoni
Larry Satterwhite
Mike Schichtman
Barry "Doc" Schwartz
Dennis Seagle
Huck Seed
Doug Segers
Erik Seidel
Keith Sexton
Mike Sexton
John Shipley
Hilbert Shirey
Barry Shulman
Larry Sigety
Fred Sigur
Randall Skaggs
Christopher Smith
H.R. Smith
Gary Solomons
Kevin Song
John Spadaveccia
Ron Stanley
Max Stern
Edward Stevens
Al Stonum
Mark Straus
William Strother
John Strzemp
Julien Studley
Bob Stupak
Surinder Sunar
David Tagg
Jim Tarr
Richard Tatalovich
David Tavernier
Alan Tessler
Tab Thiptinnakon
Harry Thomas
Don Thompson
Walter Threadgill
Roy Thung
Judge Thurmand
Tibor Tolnai
Duane Tomko
An Tran
Nhut Tran
Marko Trapani
Chris Tsiprailidis
Greg Turk
Robert Turner
David "Devil Fish" Ulliott
Bruce Van Horn
Peter Vilandos
Cindy Violette
J.J. Volpe
Marsha Waggoner
Rickie Walden
Bob Walker
Jim Waltenburg
Garland Walters
Jack Ward
Jim Ward
Charles Watkins
Lee Watkinson
Ron Weaver
Mel Weiner
Mark Weitzman
David Welch
Justin Westmoreland
Dewey Weum
Charles Wight
Lamar Wilkinson
Buddy Williams
Ronnie Williams
Martyn Wilson
Frank Wong
Lee Wosk
Bruce Yamron
Rick Young
Hertzel Zalewsky
Steve Zolotow

Scotty Nguyen, an exuberant poker performer and a seasoned
tournament strategist, overcame a record field to capture
the richest World Championship event ever.
"It's my dream come true," he told Horseshoe President Jack
Binion as he accepted congratulations with flashbulbs
popping and television lights glaring. Nguyen, 35, became
the first Vietnamese World Champion. His $1 million victory
plus sixth previous cashes, including three this year, sent
him into 13th place on the World Series Top Money Winners
list with total earnings of $1,244,462.
Nguyen, a well-known professional who had been riding a
string of tournament successes earlier this year, was a
poker dealer after arriving in the U.S. from his native
Vietnam in 1979. When he placed third on April 28 in the
$2,000 No Limit Hold'em event, he pledged that "you will see
me at more final tables here at the Horseshoe."
Nguyen reached THE final table with an appreciable but not
overwhelming chip lead over his four opponents, and although
he lost the lead several times to eventual runner-up Kevin
McBride, his stack never dropped beneath $1,000,000. "I was
never worried," he said afterwards. "I knew I could bounce
Nguyen's heads-up marathon with McBride lasted just under
three and a half hours. At one stage Nguyen won seven pots,
mostly small, in a row and then lost a $1.48 million pot
with A-Q to McBride's 5-4 when the board came A-4-3/4-9.
Then came a dramatic hand, when a queen on the river made
aces and queens for McBride but also a "hidden" gutshot top
straight for Nguyen who held J-10 with a board of K-7-2/A-Q.
Twenty minutes later McBride with Q-10 of hearts raised
before the flop and was called by Nguyen who held J-9. The
flop came 9d-9h-8c. McBride bet $100,000 and Nguyen,
hesitating, called. The turn card was the 8 of hearts.
McBride again bet $100,000 and Nguyen called. The 8 of
spades fell on the river and Nguyen shoved his towers of
chips toward the middle of the table. McBride, saying "I'm
playing the board," called all-in and watched the new World
Champion turn over his killer nine.
"Scotty and I play too much alike," said McBride. "I played
much better yesterday than today. I had a huge flop and turn
on the last hand. I wouldn't have called if Scotty hadn't
said, 'If you call, it's all over.' I didn't believe him."
McBride, a 43 year-old management consultant who has only
played tournament poker since January, echoed the winner by
saying, "This is a dream come true. Realistically I didn't
think I'd be at the final table. It was a fine experience
playing against such great players as Scotty and T.J."
T.J. Cloutier, 58, a veteran World Series luminary, took
third when he went all-in with K-Q against McBride who held
Js-9s on a flop of 7s-5-4s. A jack on the turn won the $1.1
million pot for McBride. "I enjoyed it," said Cloutier who
moved into 6th on the Top Money Winners list with his 28th
WSOP cash. His earnings now total $1,693,386. "For me the
tough part is getting there. Once I'm at the final table,
I'm relaxed," he said.
Fourth place went to Dewey Weum, 54, a trucking firm owner
who has come to the World Series for 20 years and with this
11th cash has now earned $385,267. He was eliminated with
A-7 offsuit by McBride whose K-J of diamonds became three
kings on the flop and a flush on the river.
Lee Salem, a 38 year-old businessman who has cashed twice
before, finished fifth when he was all-in with A-J and lost
to McBride's A-4 of clubs which became a flush on the turn.
For the first time in WSOP history, the last day of the
Championship Event began with just five players, thanks to a
remarkable - and classic - poker hand which ended the third
day. Jan Lundgren moved all-in with pocket tens and was
called by Nguyen holding A-Q of diamonds. Ben Roberts on the
button re-raised all-in with pocket aces, called by Nguyen.
Both players, from London, were eliminated when Nguyen
caught a flush on the river.

The Final Table
Card by Card and Bet by Bet
1998 WSOP Event #21: $10,000 No Limit Holdem
350 Entries, $3,500,000 Total Prize Pool and chips in play
Seat 1. | Paul McKinney | 113,000 | [PM] |
Seat 2. | Kevin McBride | 1,100,000 | [KM] |
Seat 3. | Lee Salem | 350,000 | [LS] |
Seat 4. | T.J. Cloutier | 421,000 | [TJ] |
Seat 5. | Jan Lundberg | 255,000 | [JL] |
Seat 6. | Dewey Weum | 130,000 | [DW] |
Seat 7. | Scotty Nguyen | 875,000 | [SN] |
Seat 8. | Mark Brochard | 69,000 | [MB] |
Seat 9. | Ben Roberts | 187,000 | [BR] |
sb = small blind.
First action reported in a betting round, normally means the
first player that put money into the pot in that betting
round. A check is usually not reported as the first action
in a betting round. Folds are not always reported. If there
are four players at the beginning of a betting round, and
it's reported that one player bets and is called by one
other player, then the remaining two players folded.
*** 5:32 PM Wednesday 13 May 1998
*** 1,000 Ante - 3,000/6,000 Blinds
- sb TJ - BR raises 20,000 and KM calls. Flop: Jc Ad Ac.
KM bets 60,000 and BR folds.
- sb JL - PM raises 49,500 all-in and all fold.
- sb DW - KM, DW and SN all limp. Flop: Qd Ts Ac. All
check. Turn: 7s. KM bets 15,000 and SN calls. River:
Th. KM bets 30,000 and SN calls. KM mucks his hand.
- sb SN - TJ raises 14,000 and all fold.
- sb MB - LS raises 20,000 and MB re-raises all-in. All
- sb BR - KM raises 10,000 and LS calls. Flop: 2d Qs 4s.
KM bets 30,000 and LS folds.
- sb PM - BR raises 25,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - DW, KM and LS all limp. Flop: Ad 9s Qd. DW bets
35,000 and all fold.
- sb LS - DW raises 20,000 and MB calls. Flop: Js 3h Jc.
DW bets 40,000 and MB raises about 40,000 all-in. DW
- sb TJ - SN raises 16,000 and KM calls. Flop: 7s Qd 6c.
Both check. Turn: 9s. SN bets 22,000 and KM calls.
River: 5s. KM bets 100,000 and SN calls. KM shows Ks Td
and SN wins with As 9d.
- sb JL - KM raises 10,000, TJ makes it 50,000 to go, and
KM calls. Flop: 4c 2h 5c. KM mucks as soon as TJ starts
to bet.
- sb DW - DW and SN both limp. Flop: 4s 7h 6d. DW bets
49,000 all-in and SN folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 16,000 and MB folds.
- sb MB - KM raises 15,000 and LS calls. Flop: 5h 6s 5s.
KM bets 30,000 and LS calls. Turn: AD. KM bets 30,000
and LS calls. River: 3h. Both check. KM shows 4s 4c and
LS wins with Qs Qh.
- sb BR - LS, MB, BR and PM all limp. Flop: Td 2c Ac. PM
bets 22,000, LS and MB fold and BR check raises 50,000
more. PM folds.
- sb PM - BR raises 14,000 and KM calls. Flop: 6d Th Qs.
BR bets 50,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM raises 24,000 and LS folds.
- sb LS - DW raises 35,000 and all fold. TJ shows 7c 8c.
- sb TJ - BR raises 19,000 and all fold.
- sb JL - MB, KM, LS and DW limp. Flop: 4c Jc Ad. MB bets
30,000 and KM calls. Turn: 3c. Both check. River: 2s.
Both check. KM shows Ac Th and MB wins with 4s 4h.
- sb DW - PM makes it 80,000 to go all-in and TJ calls.
PM has Ah 2d and TJ has Ac Qd. Board: Ks 9s 7h Ts Th.
*** TJ wins the pot and Paul McKinney finishes 9th at 6:15 PM.
- sb SN - TJ raises 19,000 and MB calls. Flop: 8h 5s 5d.
Both check. Turn: Tc. Both check. River: Td. Both
check. TJ shows Ah Jh and MB shows Ad Qs. Split pot.
- sb MB - JL raises 9,000 and DW re-raises 53,000 more
all-in. JL folds.
- sb BR - SN raises 16,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - BR raises 20,000 and KM re-raises 25,000 more.
All fold.
- sb LS - MB raises 16,000 and TJ calls. Flop: 9h Ac 8c.
Both check. Turn: 3d. MB bets 30,000 and TJ folds.
- sb TJ - LS raises 15,000 and TJ re-raises 42,000 more.
All fold.
- sb JL - KM raises 10,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - KM, DW and SN all limp. Flop: 7s 2d 8s. KM bets
20,000 and all fold. SN shows a 2.
- sb SN - KM raises 20,000 and all fold.
- sb MB - MB raises 17,000 and BR folds. BR shows 7c 3d.
- sb BR - All fold to KM in the big blind. BR shows 4d 2c.
- sb KM - TJ raises 11,000 and SN calls. Flop: 4c As Qs.
Both check. Turn: 2d. TJ bets 35,000 and SN folds. TJ
shows Ac Js.
- sb LS - MB limps, BR raises 18,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - LS and JL limp. Flop: Ac Qs Qc. LS bets 15,000
and JL check raises 30,000 more. LS folds.
- sb JL - KM limps and LS raises 25,000. All fold.
- sb DW - KM raises 15,000 and all fold.
- sb SN - KM raises 19,000 and all fold.
- sb MB - SN raises 16,000 and all fold.
- sb BR - TJ raises 20,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - KM and LS limp. Flop: 9h 3s 3c. Both check.
Turn: 4s. Both check. River: 7c. LS bets 10,000 and KM
- sb LS - SN raises 16,000 and KM calls. Flop: 8h Qd 2d.
KM bets 25,000, SN raises 35,000 and KM folds.
- sb TJ - KM raises 16,000 and all fold.
- sb JL - KM raises 15,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - MB raises 12,000, TJ re-raises 65,000, MB
re-raises about 67,000 more all-in and TJ calls. TJ has
Kc Kh and MB has 8s 8c. Board: Ts Js 6h Jd As.
*** TJ wins the pot and Mark Brochard finishes 8th at 6:55 PM.
- sb SN - KM raises 20,000 and DW re-raises 21,000 more
all-in. KM calls. KM has Ah Qc and DW has Ks Qh. Board:
Td 9s 3d Kd Th. DW wins.
- sb BR - LS raises 20,000 and all fold.
*** 15 minute break at 6:59 PM.
*** Chip Count
KM 800,000
LS 330,000
TJ 815,000
JL 175,000
DW 120,000
SN 1,100,000
BR 160,000
*** New Ante is 2,000 and Blinds are 5,000/10,000.
- sb KM - JL raises 25,000 and all fold.
- sb LS - SN raises 20,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - KM raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb JL - LS raises 30,000 and JL calls. Flop: As 7h 4s.
Both check. Turn: 8c. LS bets 80,000 and JL folds. LS
shows an A.
- sb DW - TJ raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb SN - KM raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb BR - SN raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - DW raises 28,000 and all fold.
- sb LS - SN raises 30,000 and all fold. SN shows an A.
- sb TJ - LS raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb JL - KM raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - TJ raises 30,000 and shows Ac Ad after all fold.
- sb SN - TJ raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb BR - TJ raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - BR raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb LS - BR raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - DW raises 10,000 and all fold.
- sb JL - LS raises 25,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - DW limps, SN raises 30,000 and DW folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 40,000 and BR folds.
- sb BR - JL raises 65,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - KM raises 25,000 and LS folds. KM shows an A.
- sb LS - SN raises 30,000 and all fold.
*** Scotty Nguyen is drinking a Michelob.
- sb TJ - DW raises 59,000 and all fold.
- sb JL - BR raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - TJ raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb SN - LS raises 25,000 and DW re-raises 32,000 more
all-in. LS calls. LS has 4s 4c and DW has Kh Kd. Board:
3d 9d 5s 2h 5c. DW wins.
- sb BR - DW raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - BR raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb LS - JL raises 60,000 all-in and all fold.
- sb TJ - TJ raises 35,000 and JL folds. TJ shows 6h 6d.
- sb JL - BR raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - DW raises 40,000 and SN re-raises all-in. DW
calls 120,000 all-in. SN has Jd 8c and DW has Ks Kd.
Board: 7s 5d 2d qd 7c. DW wins.
- sb SN - KM raises 20,000 and all fold.
- sb BR - LS raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - BR raises 30,000 and KM re-raises 40,000 more.
All fold.
- sb LS - JL raises 61,000 all-in, SN calls, BR re-raises
56,000 more all-in and SN calls. JL has Ts Tc, SN has
Ad Qd. and BR has As Ah. Board: Qh 4d 5d Js 2d. SN wins
the main and side pot at 8:07 PM and the TV Final Table
is set for tomorrow.
*** Jan Lundberg finishes 7th.
*** Ben Roberts finishes 6th.
*** Chip Count for TV Final Table Thursday 14 May 1998
KM 873,000
LS 240,000
TJ 829,000
DW 376,000
SN 1,184,000
*** 10:38 AM - 2,000 Ante with 5,000/10,000 Blinds.
- sb LS - SN raises 34,000 and TJ calls. Flop: 2d Kc 8h.
SN bets 44,000 and TJ raises 156,000. SN folds. TJ
shows K Q.
- sb TJ - SN raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - All fold to SN in big blind.
- sb SN - SN raise 35,000 and KM calls. Flop: Qc 6c 4s.
KM bets 50,000 and shows 3h 5c after SN folds.
- sb KM - TJ raises 40,000 and SN re-raises 100,000 more.
TJ folds. TJ shows a medium pair, which I did not see.
- sb LS - KM raises 40,000 and LS re-raises 163,000 more
all-in. KM calls. KM has Ac 4c and LS has Ah Jc. Board:
7c 9c Ks Tc 5s. KM wins with club flush.
*** Lee Salem finishes 5th at 10:49 AM.
- sb TJ - TJ raises 30,000 and DW folds.
- sb DW - TJ raises 30,000 and shows K K after all fold.
- sb SN - DW raises 50,000 and SN re-raises 120,000 more.
DW folds.
- sb KM - All fold to TJ in the big blind.
- sb TJ - SN raises 31,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - SN limps, KM raises 40,000 and SN calls. Flop:
7d Qc 5h. Both check. Turn Ac. KM bets 50,000 and SN
calls. River: 2h. Both check. SN shows Kd Qh and KM
- sb SN - DW, SN and KM limp. Flop: 7c Ac 5s. KM bets
40,000 and SN calls. Turn: 8c. Both check. River: As.
SN bets 90,000 and KM calls. KM shows Kd 7h and SN mucks.
- sb KM - KM and TJ limp. Flop: Ac Jh As. Both check.
Turn: 2s. Both check. River: 3h. Both check. TJ shows
Qd 3s and KM mucks.
- sb TJ - KM raises 40,000 and TJ re-raises 200,000 more.
All fold. KM shows T T.
- sb DW - DW and SN limp. Flop: Ad 6c Qh. Both check.
Turn: Jh. Both check. River: Ah. Both check. DW shows
5h 5s and SN mucks.
- sb SN - SN and KM limp. Flop: 4c 2d Qc. Both check.
Turn: 9c. Both check. River: 7h. Both check. SN shows
4 6 and KM mucks.
- sb KM - SN raises 30,000 and KM calls. Flop: 2s 4s Kh.
Both check. Turn: 8d. SN bets 52,000 and KM calls.
River: 6s. Both check. KM shows 5d 3d and SN mucks.
- sb TJ - KM, TJ and DW all limp. Flop: 2d Jd 5s. KM
bets 30,000 and DW raises about 320,000 all-in. KM
folds. KM shows 3d 5s.
- sb DW - DW limps, SN raises 31,000 and DW folds. DW
shows a 2.
- sb SN - All fold to KM in big blind.
- sb KM - SN raises 22,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - TJ and DW limp. Flop: 5s Kh Qc. TJ bets 20,000
and DW raises 30,000. TJ folds.
- sb DW - KM raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb SN - DW raises 40,000 and KM re-raises 50,000. DW
folds. KM shows T T.
- sb KM - DW raises 10,000 and is called by SN and TJ.
Flop: 2h 6s Tc. SN bets 40,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - SN raises 33,000 and all fold.
- sb DW - All fold to SN in the big blind.
- sb SN - SN and KM limp. Flop: Qc Jh 7c. Both check.
Turn: 5d. KM bets 30,000 and SN folds. KM shows a 5.
- sb KM - KM raises 40,000 and TJ folds. KM shows Qd Th.
- sb TJ - KM and DW limp. Flop: 6h 4h Qs. Both check.
Turn: Kc. DW bets 20,000 and KM folds. DW shows K 7.
- sb DW - TJ raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb SN - TJ raises 35,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - All fold to TJ in the big blind.
- sb TJ - TJ limps and DW raises 40,000. TJ folds.
*** Chip count
KM 1,200,000
TJ 900,000
DW 300,000
SN 1,100,000
- sb DW - KM raises 30,000 and all fold. KM shows Ad.
- sb SN - TJ raises 30,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - SN raises 30,000, KM calls and TJ raises
200,000 more. SN folds and KM raises 900,000 all-in.
TJ folds. KM shows K K, and TJ says he had J J.
- sb TJ - TJ and DW limp. Flop: Qd Kh 5h. TJ bets 20,000
and DW calls. Turn: Js. DW bets 30,000 and TJ raises
100,000. DW folds.
- sb DW - DW limps, SN raises 30,000 and DW folds.
- sb SN - DW, SN and KM limp. Flop: 8s 8c 9s. DW bets
all-in, and all fold.
- sb KM - DW raises 45,000 and KM calls. Flop: 9d 5c Jh.
KM bets 50,000 and DW folds.
*** 15 minute break at 11:53 AM.
*** New Ante is 2,000 with 10,000/20,000 blinds.
- sb TJ - SN raises 40,000 and KM calls. Flop: 5c 9d Ad.
Both check. Turn: Ah. SN bets 70,000 and KM calls.
River: 5d. SN bets 190,000 and KM folds. KM shows K K.
- sb DW - KM raises 60,000 and all fold.
- sb SN - DW raises 144,000 all-in and KM calls. DW
shows Ac 7h and KM shows Kd Jd. Board: Ks Kc 7d 4d 8d.
KM wins with a flush.
*** Dewey Weum finishes 4th at 12:02 PM.
*** Chip count
KM 1,600,000
TJ 700,000
SN 1,200,000
- sb KM - SN raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - All fold to SN in the big blind.
- sb SN - TJ limps, SN raises 60,000 and TJ calls. Flop:
Qh 4h 5h. All check. Turn: 4c. TJ bets 200,000. SN
folds. TJ shows Kh 8h and SN shows 9 9.
- sb KM - SN raises 50,000 and KM calls. Flop: 3h Qd 9s.
KM bets 100,000 and SN folds. KM shows Qh.
- sb TJ - KM raises 60,000 and all fold. KM shows Kd 8h.
- sb SN - TJ raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb KM - SN raises 41,000 and KM calls. Flop: 3c 6h 6c.
KM bets 60,000, SN raises 170,000 and KM folds. KM
says he had a flush draw, TJ had folded A 6, and SN
says he had a full house.
- sb TJ - All fold to KM in the big blind.
- sb SN - SN raises 40,000 and KM folds. KM shows an A
and SN shows Kh Kd.
- sb KM - SN raises 60,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - TJ and SN limp. Flop: 7s 5d Ts. Both check.
Turn: Ad. TJ bets 40,000 and SN folds. TJ shows 6d 9d.
- sb SN - SN raises 30,000 and KM calls. Flop: 4c Tc Ad.
Both check. Turn: Kd. SN bets 80,000. KM folds.
- sb KM - SN raises 61,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - KM raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb SN - SN and KM limp. Flop: 2h Ks 3s. Both check.
Turn: 3d. SN bets 30,000 and KM calls. River: 4h. SN
bets 34,000 and KM calls. KM shows Kh 6c and SN wins
with Kd 4c.
- sb KM - SN raises 42,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - TJ raises 40,000 and all fold.
- sb SN - TJ raises 40,000 and KM calls. Flop: 4h 3c 5d.
Both check. Turn: Td. KM bets 60,000 and TJ calls.
River: Th. KM bets 100,000 and TJ calls. KM shows Kc Kh
and TJ mucks. TJ said he had J J.
- sb KM - SN raises 42,000 and all fold.
- sb TJ - KM, TJ and SN limp. Flop: 2d Kc Qs. KM bets
20,000 and all call. Turn: 3d. KM bets 20,000 and all
call. River: 2c. All check. KM shows Ad 3h, TJ wins
with Qc 9h and SN mucks.
- sb SN - SN and KM limp. Flop: 4c 6d 5d. Both check.
Turn: 6h. KM bets 60,000 and SN folds. KM says that he
flopped a straight.
- sb KM - All fold to TJ in the big blind.
*** Unscheduled restroom break.
- sb TJ - All fold to SN in the big blind.
- sb SN - SN and KM limp. Flop: 7d 6h 9d. Both check.
Turn: Th. KM bets 60,000 and SN folds. KM shows 7h 9h.
- sb KM - All fold to TJ in the big blind.
- sb TJ - KM raises 40,000 and all fold. KM shows Jc Qs.
- sb SN - SN raises 40,000 and KM calls. Flop: 7h 2c Kh.
Both check. Turn: Ah. Both check. River: Qs. SN bets
22,000 and KM raises 103,000. SN folds and KM shows As.
- sb KM - KM raises 40,000, TJ re-raises 120,000 and KM
calls. Flop: 4s 5d 7s. TJ bets 400,000 all-in and KM
calls. KM has Js 9s and TJ has Kd Qc. Turn: Jd. River:
2h. KM wins.
*** T.J. Cloutier finishes 3rd at 12:52 PM.
*** Chip count
KM 2,207,000
SN 1,293,000
**** Scotty Nguyen says that there isn't and won't be any
deal. $1,000,000 in cash is brought out in a cardboard
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 5c Tc Kc. Both check. Turn: Ac.
SN bets 50,000 and KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 6c Ac 2c. KM bets 50,000 and
SN folds.
- sb KM - KM raises 30,000 and SN folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 42,000 and KM calls. Flop: 8h Js 5s.
SN bets 62,000 and KM raises 62,000. SN folds. KM says
he had a J Q.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 5c 6s 8s. Both check. Turn
Jh. Both check. River 6c. KM bets 60,000 and SN calls.
KM shows Ts 9h and SN wins with 8d 3s.
- sb SN - SN raises 40,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN limps, KM raises 60,000 and SN folds.
- sb KM - KM limps, SN raises 70,000 and KM calls. Flop:
6s 7c Js. KM bets 70,000 and SN calls. Turn: Jh. KM
bets 100,000 and SN raises 200,000. KM folds. KM says
he folded A 7.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 9h Kh Qc. KM bets 60,000 and
SN calls. Turn: Ah. KM bets 60,000 and SN calls.
River: Qh. KM bets 100,000 and SN calls. KM shows Qd 8s,
and SN wins with As 3h for a flush.
*** Chips are about equal.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 40,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM raises 50,000 and SN calls. Flop: Qs Kc 7d.
Both check. Turn: Ks. Both check. As. KM bets 50,000
and SN calls. SN shows Q J and KM wins with Kd Qc for
a full house.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 6c 3h 2c. SN bets 40,000 and
KM folds. KM shows a 4.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 60,000 and KM calls. Flop: Ks Qh 9h.
KM bets 60,000 and SN calls. Turn: 5c. SN bets 90,000
and KM calls. River: As. KM bets 200,000 and SN raises
200,000. KM folds.
*** Chip count
KM 1,500,000
SN 2,000,000
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 60,000 and KM re-raises 80,000. SN
calls. Flop: As 2d 4c. KM bets 60,000 and SN folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 8d 2h 9s. Both check. Turn: 9h.
Both check. River: Ks. Both check. KM shows As 3d and
SN wins with Kd 3s.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 6h 7d 4h. Both check. Turn: Qh.
SN bets 50,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: Js 6s 6d. KM bets 60,000 and
SN folds. KM shows a J.
- sb SN - SN raises 60,000 and KM folds. SN shows J J.
- sb KM - KM limps, SN raises 60,000 and KM calls. Flop:
Kc Jc 6c. SN bets 70,000 and KM raises 70,000. SN folds.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: Ts As Tc. Both check. Turn:
Kh. Both check. River: 3s. SN bets 40,000, KM raises
40,000, SN raises 100,000 and KM raises 250,000. SN
folds. KM shows 3d 3c.
*** Chip count
KM 1,900,000
SN 1,600,000
- sb SN - SN raises 50,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM limps, SN raises 70,000 and KM calls. Flop:
Td Qc Th. SN bets 80,000, KM raises 120,000, SN raises
200,000 and KM calls. Turn Ks. SN bets 500,000 and KM
- sb SN - SN limps, KM raises 60,000 and SN folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: Jc Tc Qs. KM bets 60,000 and
SN folds. KM shows a Q.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 50,000, KM calls and KM checks blind
on the flop. Flop: 2c Kc 7s. SN bets 70,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 8s 2d 5d. SN bets 50,000 and
KM folds.
*** 10 minute break at 2:07 PM.
*** 3,000 Ante with 15,000/30,000 blinds.
- sb SN - SN raises 90,000 and KM calls. Flop: 8h 9s As.
KM bets 90,000 and SN calls. Turn: 6d. KM bets 90,000
and SN folds. KM says he had A 9.
- sb KM - KM limps, SN raises 80,000 and KM calls. Flop:
7h 9h Kd. Both check. Turn: 4s. SN bets 100,000 and KM
calls, River: 8d. Both check. KM shows Ah 2h and SN
wins with Tc 9c.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - KM limps, SN raises 80,000 and KM folds.
- sb SN - SN limps, KM raises 70,000 and SN calls. Flop:
Qs Ad 4d. Both check. Turn: 5s. Both check. River: Js.
SN bets 81,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM raises 70,000 and SN folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 70,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM limps. KM folds when SN starts to raise. SN
shows Ac As.
*** Chip count
KM 1,000,000
SN 2,500,000
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: Jh 3h Qh. SN bets 70,000 and
KM folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 7h 2h 5h. KM bets 70,000 and
SN calls. Turn: 4h. KM bets 200,000 and SN calls.
River: 3d. KM bets 200,000 and SN calls. KM shows Kd Td
and SN wins with Kh 6c for a flush.
*** Chip count
KM 700,000
SN 2,800,000
- sb SN - SN raises 70,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 100,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN limps, KM raises 70,000 and SN folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 9h 2h 9c. Both check. Turn:
Jd. Both check. River: 6c. Both check. KM shows As 5d
for A high and SN mucks.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: Kc 9d Jc. SN bets 40,000 and
KM calls. Turn: Ac. SN bets 80,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 6s Ac Ks. Both check. Turn:
9d. Both check. River: 3d. Both check. SN shows Q J
and KM wins with Kd 7h.
- sb SN - SN raises 100,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 4h As 4s. Both check. Turn:
3s. Both check. River: 5h. SN bets 30,000 and KM
calls. SN shows T T and KM wins with Ad Kh.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 100,000 and KM folds. KM shows Tc Qh
and SN showed A K.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 2h Ks 9s. Both check. Turn:
8d. Both check. River Tc. Both check. KM shows Qs Td
and SN mucks.
- sb SN - SN raises 70,000 and KM folds. SN shows J J.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 6d Qc 8h. Both check. Turn:
Jh. Both check. River: Kh. Both check. SN shows 3s 6c
and KM mucks.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: Ac 5h 6h. Both check. Turn:
4d. KM bets 60,000 and SN folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: Th 5d Ks. KM bets 70,000 and
SN folds. KM shows the Tc.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 75,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM limps and SN raises 90,000. KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 7s Ac 7c. Both check. Turn:
Kc. SN bets 30,000 and KM calls. River: 5d. KM bets
120,000 and SN calls. KM wins with Jc 9c for a flush.
SN shows an A.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: Jc 2s Th. Both check. Turn:
3c. Both check. River: 7h. Both check. KM shows 9c 7s
and SN mucks.
- sb SN - SN raises 80,000, KM re-raises 80,000 and SN
calls. Flop: Kh 3d 5s. KM bets 80,000 and SN folds. KM
shows Ks Qh.
- sb KM - KM folds.
*** Chip count
KM 900,000
SN 2,600,000
- sb SN - SN raises 50,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: Qs 7d 4s. SN bets 60,000 and
KM folds. KM shows As and SN shows 5s 8s.
- sb KM -KM raises 60,000 and SN calls. Flop: 6h 3s 3h.
KM bets 60,000 and SN raises 100,000. KM calls. Turn:
6s. SN bets 150,000 and KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 3c 3s Js. SN bets 40,000 and
KM folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 4s 2d 2c. SN bets 40,000 and
KM raises 100,000. SN folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 100,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 6c 4h 8d. KM bets 40,000 and
SN folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 80,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 7d 8h 7h. SN bets 60,000 and
KM folds.
- sb KM - KM raises 60,000 and SN calls. Flop: 6c Kc 2h.
Both check. Turn: 8c. Both check. River: Th. Both
check. SN shows Qs 9c for Q high and KM mucks.
- sb SN - SN raises 90,000 and KM calls. Flop: Ts Ad 5s.
SN bets 90,000 and KM raises 280,000 all-in. SN folds
and shows Qc Jc. KM shows 5c 3s.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 3c 4s 8h. Both check. Turn:
9c. Both check. River: 6s. Both check. KM shows Ad 6c
and SN mucks.
- sb SN - SN folds.
- sb KM - KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 3c 4c Ad. SN bets 30,000 and
KM calls. Turn: 4s. SN bets 80,000 and KM calls.
River: 9h. SN bets 200,000 and KM raises 386,000
*** As soon as KM raises 386,000, KM leaves the room and
does not return for a couple of minutes.
SN calls. KM wins with 4h 5d. SN shows Ah Qs.
- sb KM - KM raises 70,000 and then folds when SN
re-raises 150,000.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: As Kd 9d. SN bets 42,000 and
KM calls. Turn Jh. SN bets 120,000 and KM calls.
River: 8c. SN bets 300,000 and KM folds. KM shows Qd Jd
and SN shows 5 6.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: 3s 7d Js, KM bets 70,000 and
SN folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 80,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: Qs 4c 6s. Both check. Turn:
Qd. SN bets 30,000 and KM folds.
- sb SN - Both limp. Flop: 5h 9d Ks. Both check. Turn:
Kh. Both check. River: 5d. SN starts to bet and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM raises 40,000 and SN calls. Flop: 9d Qs 2s.
KM bets 70,000 and SN calls. Turn: 3c. KM bets 70,000
and SN calls. River: 8h. Both check. KM shows 6c 6d
and SN mucks.
- sb SN - SN raises 40,000 and KM calls. Flop: 7d Kd Jc.
Both check. Turn: Ad. SN bets 90,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM raises 40,000 and SN calls. Flop: 9h 5h Qs.
Both check. Turn: 3h. Both check. River: 7h. SN bets
80,000 and KM raises 240,000. SN folds. KM shows Ah.
- sb SN - SN raises 50,000 and KM calls. Flop: 8s As 6h.
SN bets 80,000 and KM folds.
- sb KM - KM raises 50,000 and SN calls. Flop: 8h Ah 4s.
KM bets 80,000 and SN calls. Turn: 8s. Both check.
River: 3h. Both check. KM shows Jh Qs and SN wins with
Jc 4c.
- sb SN - SN raises 60,000, KM calls and KM checks
blind. Flop: 2c 7h Kd. Both check. Turn: As. Both
check. River: Qs. KM bets 120,000 and SN raises
300,000. KM calls. SN wins with Jd Th. KM shows Ad Qd.
- sb KM - Both limp. Flop: As 2c 5d. Both check. Turn:
9h. KM bets 70,000 and SN folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 90,000 and KM folds. SN shows Ad Ah.
- sb KM - KM limps and SN raises 110,000. KM folds.
- sb SN - SN raises 80,000 and KM folds. SN shows Ad 3h.
*** 10 minute break at 4:27 PM.
*** Chip count
KM 610,000
SN 2,890,000
*** No Ante. Blinds go to 25,000/50,000.
*** Scotty Nguyen is drinking a Michelob.
- sb KM - KM raises 50,000 and SN calls. Flop: 8c 9d 9h.
SN checks, KM bets 100,000 and SN calls. Turn: 8h. SN
checks, KM bets 100,000 and SN calls. River: 8s.
SN moves all-in. SN says "if you call, it's all over".
KM calls 310,000 all-in and says "I'm playing the
board". SN shows Jd 9c and wins the pot with 9's full
of 8's. KM does not show his hand. It was reported
that KM had Qh Th, but I never saw his hand.
Scotty Nguyen wins the $10,000 No Limit Championship
at 4:42 PM.