The Final Table
How they finished
Live From the 'Shoe
The Play-by-Play

The guy looked like an 8,000 lb. Gorilla had been lifted off
his back.
With eight tables left in the 7 Card Stud High-Low Split
Eight or Better, there was a remarkable absence of name
players. Stud eight or better is not spread everywhere, and
the people who play it tend not to play much of anything
else. So, it often is a game dominated by specialists when
it's run in tournaments.
Only very close followers of poker would know names like Don
Holt, Andy Blumen or Jeff Pierce. Better known would be Ted
Forrest, Scotty Nguyen, Tommy Hufnagle, Howard Mann, Danny
Newman and of course, Mike Caro. All these players had chips
with 60 players left. Most were still around when we got
down to four tables.
Then it got interesting. They were paying 24, three tables
in Stud. The most famous player of the remaining group was
Mike Caro. He fell just short at 26th and didn't show his
hand when he left. His opponent went high with 9's and
Caro, along with Ted Forrest, Bill Byers and John Sutton
formed the "almost, but not quite" club.
Phil Tanner, Mickey Appelman, Bruce Migdal, Howard Mann,
Scotty Nguyen and Chuck Thompson were members of the "just
made it" club.
Most of these players were short-stacked though and the
rigors of increasing antes and bring-ins soon sent them to
Jack for their pay. None were to make the final table.
Mickey Appleman may look a little strange, like a modern day
Harpo Marx, but don't be fooled. Mickey can play cards.
Surviving into the money he went on a rush that almost got
him to the finals. A very hot Jeff Pierce put Mickey out
11th when he caught a 7 high straight for a scoop.
The cajun, David Halpern, ended the run of Robert Gingras
(whose having a hell of a World Series) with a full house on
the river. Robert was 10th
One of the nicest men in the business, Howard Mann, got the
news he could sleep in the next day from Andy Blumen. Howard
went all-in with split Kings. Andy called from the bring in
with a deuce showing. A deuce on fourth street turned Howard
into a eunuch. Andy had trip 2's. Howard was 9th.
We all finally got to go home.
This was the final table.
Seat 1 | Farzad Bonyadi | $23,500 | LA CA |
Seat 2 | Andy Blumen | 58,500 | Las Vegas |
Seat 3 | Dave Scharf | 51,000 | Saskatoon, Canada |
Seat 4 | Jeff Pierce | 83,000 | Las Vegas |
Seat 5 | Ira Schwartz | 61,500 | Edison NJ |
Seat 6 | Don Holt | 32,500 | Henderson NV |
Seat 7 | David Halpern | 28,000 | Merarie LA |
Seat 8 | Tom Hufnagle | 39,000 | Fountain Hills AZ |
Prize Money
1st | $139,305 |
2nd | 71,535 |
3rd | 35,768 |
4th | 22,590 |
5th | 18,825 |
6th | 15,060 |
7th | 11,295 |
8th | 7,906 |
In the hand that starts Don Holt on a serious final table
rush, he catches four 9's. David Halpern said later. "If I'd
called rather than raised, the four seat catches the Nine
and I win." That's how Stud players think, don't ya know. We
know David finished 8th in seven minutes flat. Hardly worth
showing up for.
In a brutal beat, Andy Blumen, an executive for the
Stratosphere Casino and Eyesore. went all-in with a 7 6 5
low only to lose to a 7 6 4 and Ace high. Andy deserved
better with third stack at the get go, but got 7th.
Tommy Hufnagle is too tough to be intimidated by first event
winner and "scary' person, Freddy Bonyadi. Maybe he didn't
know that Bonyadi had made over $400,000 already at this
WSOP. He called Freddy all-in, in any event. Tommy caught a
five on seventh street to go with his Jacks to scoop
Bonyadi's 7 6 and no pair. Bonyadi took home some chump
change, $15,060 for 6th.
Dave Scharf publishes a monthly poker magazine in Canada.
He'll be the star of the next issue, having made the final
table on his first trip to the WSOP. Tommy Hufnagle was the
new hot guy and he rivered his second straight victim in
Scharf, catching a second pair on seventh street. Dave's
fantasy ride was over in 5th.
Hufnagle's third body found dead in the river was Jeff
Pierce. Aces up on sixth street looked pretty good for at
least a split, until Tommy caught a third deuce on seventh.
Jeff, chip leader at the start, just couldn't get it going
at the final table, finishing 4th.
When would it stop?
Ira Schwartz didn't know. When it got to three handed, he
asked the other two if they wanted to deal. Maybe he knew
something. Maybe they did too. They ignored him.
Soon thereafter his pair of Kings was no match for the
Tommyknocker. Hufnagle had a nine high straight and turned
Ira's mood black. That's four straight players eliminated by
Tommy Hufnagle. Only one to go - Don Holt.
When Jack McClelland called a 10 minute break, Tommy and Don
went out for a little talk. They must have said sweet things
to each other, because the atmosphere was considerably
lighter when they returned.
We have it on good authority (trust us on this one) that a
deal was struck for most of the money. A little was saved to
make the quest for the bracelet juicier.
In the final confrontation, Don Holt wanted to get it over
with, while Tommy Hufnagle wanted to extend the proceedings
in hopes of testing Don patience.
Tom's strategy worked. Don started loosening up on his
starting requirements and was soon allowed to go home as he
Holt missed his Ace high straight draw and Tommy knocked out
his fifth straight competitor with 10's and 3's.
Don Holt already had a bracelet. After nearly 20 years of
trying, Tommy Hufnagle now has one also. The grin on his face
said that an 8,000 lb gorilla had just been lifted from his
shoulders. Tommy Hufnagle was the big bad wolf today. He
huffed and he puffed and he blew all the little piglets'
houses down.
$1,500 7 Stud Hi/Lo 8 or Better
251 Entries - $376,500 Prize Pool
1. | Tom Hufnagle | Fountain Hills AZ | $139,305 |
2. | Don Holt | Henderson NV | 71,535 |
3. | Ira Schwartz | Edison NJ | 35,768 |
4. | Jeff Pierce | Las Vegas | 22,590 |
5. | Dave Scharf | Saskatoon CAN | 18,825 |
6. | Farzad Bonyadi | Los Angeles CA | 15,060 |
7. | Andy Blumen | Las Vegas | 11,295 |
8. | David J. Halpern | Meraire LA | 7,906 |
9. | Howard Mann | Martinsburg WV | 5,271 |
10. | Robert Gingras | Ottawa CANADA | 5,271 |
11. | Mickey Appleman | Ft. Lee NJ | 5,271 |
12. | Rick Widdis | Kitchener CAN | 5,271 |
13. | Don Johnson | Atlanta GA | 3,765 |
14. | Frank Major | Farmington Hills MI | 3,765 |
15. | Bruce Migdal | Rancho Cucamonga CA | 3,765 |
16. | Scotty Nguyen | Henderson NV | 3,765 |
17. | Fernando Bracelli | Poschiano ITALY | 2,259 |
18. | Esther Rossi | Las Vegas | 2,259 |
19. | Harvey Goldstein | San Antonio TX | 2,259 |
20. | Phil Tanner | Springfield IL | 2,259 |
21. | Bonnie McHugh | Las Vegas | 2,259 |
22. | Chuck Thompson | Santa Cruz CA | 2,259 |
23. | Danny Newman | Birmingham ENG | 2,259 |
24. | John Yarmosh | Canidensis PA | 2,259 |
(Patty Hughes and Rudy Lotief)
The No-Limit Super Satellites start each evening at 8:40 PM
in the Satellite area. The Entry Fee is $220 for $200 in
Tournament chips and there are unlimited $200 re-buys during
the first hour, if you have less than $200 in Tournament
chips. You may also make a single or double add-on at the
end of the re-buy period. Blinds start at $5/$10 and
increase every 20 minutes. Available monies will be
converted into non-negotiable, non-transferable,
non-refundable seats in the $10,000 World Championship
event, with at least $5,000 in cash and $500 Lammers being
divided among the final table players.
WSOP SUPER SATELLITE #11 Monday 4/27/98
The recreational players took it on the chin tonight as the
"Big Boys" started warming up for the "Big Dance."
Tonight, 153 players bought 165 rebuys bringing the prize
pool to, $63,600.
The following were the rewards for making the final table:
Places 1 thru 5 - A $10,000 entry into the Championship
event plus $490 ($10,490)
6th 10 tournament chips and $440 ($5,440)
7th 6 tournament chips and $130 ($3,130)
8th 2 tournament chips and $630 ($1,630)
9th 1 tournament chip and $450 ($950)
Some of the "names" who competed were:
An Tran
Louis Asmo
Brad Daugherty
Kathy Liebert
Pat Callahan
Men Nguyen
Mel Judah
Kathy Kohlberg
Rod Peate
Dean Stonier
Kevin Song
None of these esteemed players made the final table.
In 14th was Ron McMillan (dare I call him Big Mac?) the
owner of several Burger Kings. John Spadavecchia ate him up
with an A 5 when an Ace fell.
John Inashima was next to go, when his 6's met Jan
Lundberg's Kings.
Lou Miller was running low on chips so a Q 10 off didn't
look so bad. John Cernuto didn't have to call. His big blind
was enough. John turned 6's and 8's to send Lou to the rail
in 12th.
John Spadavecchia was the enforcer all night and dumped
Robert Faldenberg's A K with pocket Q's for 11th place.
Our booby prize tonight went to Paul Fischman. He had NO
chips for the last hour and hung on. Finally, his all-in for
an intimidating one chip, was overpowered by O'Neil Longson's
K 10. It's too embarrassing to tell you what Paul had.
The final table:
Seat 1 | Thor Hansen | $9,500 | Oslo Norway |
Seat 2 | O'Neil Longson | 13,000 | Salt Lake City UT |
Seat 3 | Paul Rowe | 4,500 | Las Vegas |
Seat 4 | Greg Alston | 3,000 | Walnut Creek CA |
Seat 5 | Bill Gazes | 5,000 | Berkeley CA |
Seat 6 | Jan Lundberg | 8,000 | London ENG |
Seat 7 | John Cernuto | 8,000 | Las Vegas |
Seat 8 | John Spadavecchia | 11,500 | Miami FL |
Seat 9 | Tiff Johns | 1,500 | Jackson MS |
Paul Rowe is a wonderful poker player. Sometimes he can't
catch a break, though. Sound familiar? (I mean the "can't
catch a break" part!)
His all-in A Q suited found another pair of Kings in Jan
Lundberg's hand. Paul was 9th,
Thor Hansen is on some run. This is his third final table in
as many days. He had chips, he had bad luck. Maybe god is
dead? O'Neil Longson caught a gut shot straight on the river
to send Thor back to his mythical residence in 8th.
In the hand of the night, John Spadavecchia, always the
aggressor, put both Tiff Johns and Jan Lundberg all-in. John
had A K. Tiff who had survived repeated all-ins had 5's.
Jan Lundberg had yet another pair of Kings.
Well, you can't win forever with Kings, right? An Ace has to
fall sometime. This was the time. John made four other
players very happy. He eliminated two on one hand.
The winners for Super Satellite #11 were:
Greg Alston
Bill Gazes
Miami John Cernuto
John Spadaveccia
and O'Neil Longson for the second time
(Becky Kerber, Barbara Lotief and Terry Vanderlip)
Single Table Satellites are run continuously 21 hours every
day (8:00 AM until 5:00 AM) and usually last around 90
minutes. There are featured Satellites each day for the next
day's event, as well as other Satellites depending on
demand. Single Table Satellites for the $10,000 Main event
and for the next no-limit Holdem event are spread
frequently. Binion's charges $10 per player in a Satellite.
For the $220 buy-in No Limit Holdem Satellites, ten Players
start with $800 each in chips. The blinds start at $10/$25,
increase every 15 minutes, and the winner gets four $500
Lammers plus $100 in cash.
No Single Table Satellites for the $10,000 Championship
Event have been run yet.
The Temperature sign atop Binion's Horseshoe read 77 degrees
at 3:00 PM on Monday. Hardly any wind and a blue sky. Very
nice weather.
| 1998 | 1997 |
$2000 Holdem | 5:32 | 2:36 |
$1500 Razz | 4:37 | 4:02 |
$1500 Omaha | 3:00 | 3:59 |
$1500 Stud | 3:58 | 2:39 |
$1500 PL Omaha | 3:41 | 5:06 |
$1500 Stud Hi/Lo 8 | 3:08 | 3:51 |
rgp'er Dave Scharf was the life of the party at today's 7
Stud 8 or Better Final Table. Dave, who is the publisher of
CANADIAN POKER MONTHLY and a Disc Jockey in Saskatoon SK
CANADA, directed a steady stream of comments at his fellow
players and at the onlookers. After stealing a couple of
pots, Dave said "If you guys will let me win 60 more pots in
a row, I'll win this tournament." Dave stood, bowed and
doffed his CPM baseball cap when he was introduced, and on
several other occasions when he won a good pot or survived
an all-in situation.
Dave is in Las Vegas for the CARD PLAYER Conference and
decided to use part of his $9,040 first place money in a
recent No Limit tournament in Canada, to play in a WSOP
Event. The one that fit his schedule best was the 7 Stud 8
or Better tournament, so that's the one he played. He had
never before played a single hand of 7 Stud 8 or Better. Now
it's probably his favorite game.
Doyle Brunson was attacked and robbed at his Las Vegas home
two nights ago. Doyle used his wits, and faked a heart
attack, which persuaded his assailants to rush the job. They
left with only the cash that Doyle was carrying. This
included his winnings (in chips) in the Razz tournament. The
Horseshoe plans to make it difficult to cash in those big
chips. Doyle escaped with a few bruises, and is back in
action at the WSOP.
Johnny Chan had an orange with him in earlier WSOP Events,
but was orangeless at the Pot Limit Omaha Final Table. When
asked, after the PL Omaha tournament, why he didn't have his
orange, he said "I didn't need it."
$2000 Holdem | Deal unlikely |
$1500 Razz | Deal unlikely |
$1500 Omaha | Deal probable |
$1500 7 Stud | Deal probable |
$1500 PL Omaha | Deal probable |
$1500 Stud Hi/LO 8 | Deal probable |
After winning a few hands, with no callers, when he had the
short stack, Canadian Dave Scharf quipped "You guys are
letting the short stack push you around." Jack responded
"They're going to send the Mounties after you sooner or
After Dave Scharf took one of his bows and got some onlooker
applause, Jack said "I see that both of your fans are here."
Dave responded "Thank you Mom and Dad."
The total prize pool is up almost 2 % over last year for the
first seven events.
In addition to the money and a gold bracelet, each winner of
a WSOP Event will get free rooms at next year's WSOP.
Any player abusing employees or other players, either
verbally or physically (swearing, throwing cards, etc.) or
disrupting the tournament will be penalized. The following
will be the MINIMUM penalty imposed:
FIRST OFFENSE - 20 minutes away from the table.
(Blinds and/or antes to be forfeited)
SECOND OFFENSE - 40 minutes away from the table.
THIRD OFFENSE - Disqualification
The WSOP Floorpeople will be strictly enforcing the rules,
with zero tolerance. Every player starts each Event with a
clean slate as far as penalties are concerned.
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Barry Shulman | 20 Minutes |
Ray Dehkharghani | 20 Minutes |
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Unknown | 20 Minutes |
Phil Tanner | 20 Minutes |
Jack McClelland is assisted by Steve Morrow and Jeff
Vanderlip as Assistant Tournament Coordinators.
The 1998 WSOP continues the two-day format that was
inaugurated last year, for most of the tournaments. Also,
all two-day events start one level lower than in past years,
and each level at the Final Table has been lengthened from
60 minutes to 80 minutes. Limit Holdem and Omaha events have
two new levels of betting. First day play continues until
the field is reduced to the Final Table, and Final Table
play begins at 4:00 PM on the second day.
Shift Supervisors Jimmy Stefan, John Buchanan, Tony Shelton
and Cathy Wood run the Poker room where the lower limit
games are played.
A recent check showed the following games being spread:
2 - 1/4/8 Holdem | 1 - 10/20 Omaha8 |
2 - 4/8 Holdem | 4 - 15/30 Holdem |
2 - 4/8 Omaha Hi | 1 - 20/40 Holdem |
1 - 1/5 7Stud | 1 - 20/40 Omaha8 |
1 - 4/8 Omaha8 | 1 - 30/60 Holdem |
3 - 10/20 Holdem | 1 - 20/40 Razz/Omaha8/7Stud8 |
Shift Supervisors John "Scoff" Sheffield, Kathy Hudson and
Marshall Kassoff run the higher limit games on the south end
of the Tournament Pavilion.
A recent check showed the following games were being spread:
1 - 5/5/10 PL Omaha/PL Holdem | 1 - 50/100 7Stud8 |
1 - 25/25 PL Holdem | 1 - 75/150 Holdem |
1 - 25/50 PL Holdem | 1 - 75/150 7Stud8 |
1 - 25/50 PL Omaha | 1 - 150/300 Razz |
1 - 50/100 7Stud | 1 - 200/400 HORSE |
1 - 50/100 Holdem | 1 - 100/200/400 2 to 7 |
2 - 50/100 Omaha8 | 1 - 150/300 ROE |
Updated through Saturday Noon 25 April 1998
1. | Brent Carter |
2. | Randy Holland |
3. | Gary Lent |
4. | Hieu Ma |
5. | Milt Meyers |
6. | Marsha Waggoner |
7. | Michael Pancer |
8. | Bob Walker |
9. | David Tagg |
10. | Barbara Enright |
11. | Steve Rydel |
12. | Joe Baumgartner |
13. | R. London |
14. | Paul Hoenke |
15. | Allen Cunningham |
16. | John Bonetti |
17. | Frank Hernandez |
18. | Men Nguyen |
19. | Casey Kastle |
20. | J.C. Pearson |
21. | John Morgan |
22. | Peter Vilandos |
23. | Bill Lester |
24. | Cliff Davis |
25. | Debbie Burkhead |
26. | Jim Brown |
27. | Jack Green |
28. | Peter Brehm |
29. | Don Barton |
30. | John Richman |
31. | Luis Santoni |
32. | O'Neil Longson |
33. | Chris "Jesus" Ferguson |
34. | Flan "Irish Mike" Pilkington |
35. | Jack Fox |
36. | Thor Hansen |
37. | Frank Landen |
38. | Greg Turk |
39. | John Gledhill |
40. | Ralph Hoots |
41. | David Rubin |
42. | John Juanda |
43. | Mario Esquerra |
44. | Doug Seegers |
Don Barton
Joe Baumgartner
John Bonetti
Peter Brehm
Jim Brown
Debbie Burkhead
Brent Carter
Allen Cunningham
Cliff Davis
Barbara Enright
Mario Esquerra
Chris "Jesus" Ferguson
Jack Fox
John Gledhill
Jack Green
Thor Hansen
Frank Hernandez
Paul Hoenke
Randy Holland
Ralph Hoots
Casey Kastle
John Juanda
Frank Landen
Gary Lent
Bill Lester
R. London
O'Neil Longson
Hieu Ma
Milt Meyers
John Morgan
Men Nguyen
Michael Pancer
J.C. Pearson
Flan "Irish Mike" Pilkington
John Richman
David Rubin
Steve Rydel
Luis Santoni
Doug Seegers
David Tagg
Greg Turk
Peter Vilandos
Marsha Waggoner
Bob Walker

The man who proudly says he brought Seven Card High-Low
Split to Las Vegas 24 years ago finally won his first World
Series gold bracelet in it. Tommy Hufnagle, 54, who has
attended almost every WSOP since it began, took his first
title and with it $139,305, having finished in the money
eight times previously. His earnings now total $259,655.
"It's very exciting," he said. "I'm relieved to win the
bracelet. I felt pretty comfortable all day at the final
table, but it's the thickness of a card sometimes..."
Hufnagle said he had played eight-or-better stud in the U.S.
Army and in private games in Pennsylvania, then introduced
it here in 1974. A dedicated poker player, he said with a
grin, "I'll play higher" when asked what he would do with
the prize money.
Hufnagle had a three-to-two chip advantage when he was
finally heads-up against his longtime friend and poker foe,
Don Holt. They sparred for 20 minutes before Hufnagle
scooped a big pot with nines full of deuces and then took
two smaller pots to amass a four-to-one lead. Ten minutes
later it was all over when Holt failed to make a pair or a
low against Hufnagle's tens and threes.
Holt, a 71 year-old retired businessman and former Life
Master in bridge which he played at high level for 25 years,
said, "I'm very, very pleased. This is not my best game,
and Tommy is one of the foremost players in the world. When
we were heads-up, we showed mutual respect." Holt, whose
five money finishes at the WSOP include a winner's bracelet
in the $5,000 Seven Card Stud event in 1989 and three
runner-up placings, has now earned $660,385.
Third place went to Ira Schwartz, 39, owner of a home
improvement firm and a regular in New Jersey cardrooms. "I
feel very good about my first World Series win," he said. "I
got to the final table with a major rush - five hands in a
row - and then I did a super grind (folding pairs on three
cards). He was eliminated in a huge pot when his pair of
kings did not improve to beat Hufnagle's straight.
Jeff Pierce, 42, a 10-year poker professional and former
busboy, took fourth place when he was all-in with
J-8/A-J-K-9-A, which lost when Hufnagle caught three running
sevens to 3-5-8-9. "I don't feel very good - I was chip
leader and finished fourth," Pierce said. "It could have
been worse. Tell 'em I'll be here tomorrow."
CANADIANPOKER Monthly publisher Dave Scharf, 33, a radio
disk jockey and former lawyer, finished fifth on the fifth
time he went all-in. This was his first WSOP and the result
was "absolutely the highest point of my poker life," he
said. Scharf was knocked out when his deuces with a king
high were overtaken when Hufnagle, who had deuces with a
jack, caught another jack on the river.
Farzad Bonyadi, the 38 year-old Iranian-born player who had
won the richest limit Hold'em tournament ever last
Wednesday, took sixth place when he missed a flush draw and
his made low was drawn out on by Hufnagle. He said he felt
he was "overdue" to win at the World Series, which he has
now done in two of the five events he has entered.
Seventh place went to Andy Blumen, 46, the Executive Vice
President of the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino, who said
"I'm disappointed" when, all-in, he missed a low and lost to
Scharf's ace high.
David Halpern, 43, a longtime poker-playing attorney,
finished eighth, eliminated, as the audience gasped, when
his rolled-up aces became a full house while Holt made four
nines on fifth street. He was philosophical, saying, "I'm
disappointed I didn't get to play - just two hands and it's

The Final Table
Card by Card and Bet by Bet
1998 WSOP Event #6: $1,500 7 Card Stud High/Low 8 or better
251 Entries, $376,500 Total Prize Pool and chips in play
Seat 1 | Farzad Bonyadi | 23,500 | [FB] |
Seat 2 | Andy Blumen | 58,500 | [AB] |
Seat 3 | Dave Scharf | 51,000 | [DS] |
Seat 4 | Jeff Pierce | 83,000 | [JP] |
Seat 5 | Ira Schwartz | 61,500 | [IS] |
Seat 6 | Don Holt | 32,500 | [DH] |
Seat 7 | David Halpern | 28,000 | [DX] |
Seat 8 | Tom Hufnagle | 39,000 | [TH] |
Standard Stud Notations
3rd Street ( 3: )
4th Street ( 4: )
5th Street ( 5: )
6th Street ( 6: )
7th Street ( 7: )
Bring-in bi
Up cards are listed in Seat # order for each Street.
First action reported in a betting round, normally means the
first player that put money into the pot in that betting
round. A check is usually not reported as the first action
in a betting round. Folds are not always reported. If there
are four players at the beginning of a betting round, and
it's reported that one player bets and is called by one
other player, then the remaining two players folded.
*** 4:07 PM Monday 27 April 1998
*** 38 minutes remaining at 3,000/6,000 Level, with $500 ante and
$1,000 bring in.
- 3: As 5h 9c Ah 7c 6s Ac Qs. bi AB-5h, JP-Ah completes, DH-6s calls
and DX-Ac calls. 4: 8h 3s Qc. JP bets and DH calls. 5: 4c 9d.
JP bets and DH calls. 6: Ts 9h. Both check. 7: Both check.
JP shows (Kc 8c 2s) and DH scoops with (7d 8s 4d).
- 3: 7d Jh Kd 5c 5h 9s 4s Kc. bi DX-4s (As Ad), JP-5c completes,
DH-9s (9c 8d) raises, DX re-raises and DH calls. 4: 9d 6d. DH
bets and DX calls. 5: 9h 2s. DH bets and DX calls. 6: Ks 6c.
DH bets and DX calls 6,000 all-in. 7: 2h Ac. DH wins.
*** David Halpern finishes 8th at 4:14 PM.
- 3: 9h Td Kd 4s 7d Ac 4d. bi TH-4d, DS-Kd completes and TH calls.
4: 4c 5s. DS bets and TH calls. 5: 3d Qh. DS bets and TH folds.
- 3: Qd 2c 5c 3s 8c Kd As. bi AB-2c, IS-8c calls, DH-Kd calls,
TH-As completes, AB, IS and DH call. 4: 2h Tc 8d Ks. AB bets
and all call. 5: Th Jc 2s 4h. IS bets, TH and AB call.
6: Jd 9h Td. All check. 7: IS bets, TH raises and IS calls.
IS shows (7c 5s 3c) and TH scoops with (6s 4s 9s).
- 3: 9d 4s 2h 7c 5h 3s Qc. bi DS-2h, DH-3s limps, TH-Qc completes,
DS and DH call. 4: 7d 7s 6c. DH bets and all call. 5: Kd 2d 7h.
DH bets and all call. 6: 8d As Ac. DH bets, TH calls, DS raises,
DH re-raises, and DS calls. 7: Both check. DH shows (Ah 2s 6d)
and DS mucks.
- 3: 8h Ah 7h 6c Kd Jh 6h. bi JP-6c, IS-Kd completes, AB-Ah raises,
and IS calls. 4: 9h Qc. AB bets and IS calls. 5: 3d 9d. Ab bets
and IS calls. 6: Qs 7s. Both check. 7: IS bets and AB folds.
- 3: 3c Ks 3d Tc 6h 6s 3s. bi FB-3c, DH-6s completes and TH-3s calls.
4: 2c 9c. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: 7h Kc 9c 2s 6d 7s 5h. bi JP-2s, DH-7s completes and all fold.
- 3: As 2h 9c 9d Kc 7h 8c. bi AB-2h, DH-7h limps, FB-As completes,
AB and DH call. 4: 8s 6h Th. FB bets and AB calls. 5: 2s 7d.
FB bets and AB folds.
- 3: Qs 7d Ks Js 2s Jd 4d. bi IS-2s, TH-4d completes, AB-7d and IS
call. 4: 8h Ad 5h. All check. 5: 5d 7h 8c. IS bets and AB calls.
6: Ts Jh. IS bets and AB calls. 7: IS bets and AB calls 4,500
all-in. AB shows (2c 6c 3h) and IS scoops with (6d 4c Qc).
*** Andy Blumen finishes 7th at 4:32 PM.
- 3: 2c 5c 2h 5s Th Kh. bi FB-2c, DS-5c completes and all fold.
- 3: Kd 5s Ts 4h Ac Js. bi IS-4h, DH-Ac completes and IS calls.
4: Th Td. DH bets and IS folds.
- 3: 2s Qs 9h 2h Ac 6d. bi IS-2h, DH-Ac completes, IS raises and
DH calls. 4: Qh 9d. Both check. 5: Tc 2c. DH bets and IS folds.
- 3: Ts Qh 3c Ad Ks Kc. bi JP-3c, DH-Ks limps. 4: 3s 4s.
JP bets and DH folds.
- 3: 9s 3s As Td 8d Kc. bi DS-3s, JP-As completes and all fold.
- 3: 4h Ah 6d Qh Qd 6s. bi FB-4h, DS-Ah completes and all fold.
- 3: Tc Jd Ac 6c Qd 2h. bi TH-2h, JP-Ac completes, IS-6c and TH
call. 4: 8c Td 4s. TH bets and all fold.
- 3: Qc 6s Qh As 9s 3d. bi TH-3d and all fold.
- 3: 3c 3h Kh 2s 5h Ks. bi IS-2s, DS-3h completes and IS calls.
4: 6c 8c. DS bets and IS calls. 5: Kd Ad. IS bets and DS folds.
- 3: Ah 7d 4s 9s 2c Td. bi DH-2c, FB-Ah completes and DH calls.
4: Ad 4h. FB bets and DH folds.
- 3: 8s 5s 9c Qs Ks 8h. DS-5s brings it in for 3,000 and all fold.
*** Break from 4:47 PM until 5:00 PM. JP wins the $500 chip race-off
and Levels increase to 5,000/10,000 with $1,000 ante and $2,000
bring in.
- 3: 3d 5d 4c Tc 9d 6h. bi FB-3d, DS-5d limps (DS put a 5,000 chip
in the Pot to raise, but he neglected to say "raise"), and TH-6h
limps. 4: Th 2c 3s. DS bets and all fold.
- 3: Tc 7h 5h 4c Jd Jc. bi IS-4c, DS-7h completes and all fold.
- 3: 3c 2h 4s Qh 4h Tc. DS-2h brings it in for 5,000 and all fold.
- 3: 9d 3h Ks Qh 9c Ts. bi DS-3h, JP-Ks completes, DH-9c raises
and all fold.
- 3: As Td 7c Ac Qs 4s. bi TH-4s, FB-As completes and IS-Ac calls.
4: 5s 4c. IS bets and FB calls. 5: Qc 3h. IS bets, FB raises 1,000
all-in and IS calls. FB has (Ah 5c) and IS has (3s 6c). 6: Ks 7h.
7: (2s) (Jh). Split Pot.
- 3: Ks 2h 8h 8c Qc 2d. bi TH-2d, JP-8h completes, TH raises and
JP folds. TH shows (8d 8s).
- 3: Kd 6s 5s 4h 5c Jc. bi IS-4h, DS-6s completes and all fold.
- 3: 9c Jh 7c Kh 5d Js. bi DH-5d and FB-9c limps. 4: Ts 3d.
DH bets and FB folds.
- 3: 5c Tc 7s Ah Js 3h. bi TH-3h, JP-7s completes and all fold.
- 3: 5d 2s Jh Ks 6h Kd. DS-2s brings it in for 5,000 and FB-5d calls.
4: 6c 9s. FB bets and DS calls. 5: 7d Kh. FB bets 3,000 all-in and
DS calls. FB has (5s 9h) and DS has 3s 8c). 6: 3d 2d. 7: Qs 4d.
FB scoops.
- 3: As 8d Qs Th Jd 2c. bi TH-2c, FB-As completes, TH raises and
FB calls. 4: 7s Jh. FB bets and TH calls. 5: 9h 7h. TH bets and
FB calls. 6: 5h Jc. TH bets and FB calls 6,000 all-in. FB shows
(3h 6h) and TH has (As 3d). 7: (Tc) (5d). TH scoops.
*** Farzad Bonyadi finishes 6th at 5:16 PM.
- 3: Ah 8s 7c Kh Td. bi IS-7c, TH-Td limps, DS-Ah completes and
all fold.
- 3: 8s 8h Qs 2h 8c. bi DH-2h, JP-8h completes and all fold.
- 3: 4c 9d 8d Js 6s. bi DS-4c, DH-Js completes and IS-8d calls.
4: Qs Tc. DH bets and IS folds.
- 3: 4c 7d 7c Kh 3s. bi TH-3s, DH-Kh completes and TH calls.
4: 6s Qc. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: Ks 7h 6s Th 8c. bi IS-6s, JP-7h completes and IS calls.
4: 6d Kc. JP bets and IS calls. 5: 2s 9h. JP bets and IS folds.
- 3: 5d 2d 9h 5h 6s. bi JP-2d, DS-5d completes and all fold.
- 3: 4h 8s As 9s 2h. bi TH-2h, JP-8s completes and TH calls.
4: Td 6c. TH bets and JP folds.
- 3: 6d 2d 7d 9c 9s. bi JP-2d, TH-9s completes and all fold.
- 3: 6s 4s 8c Ks 5h. bi JP-4s, DH-Ks completes and all fold.
- 3: 7d Kh 4s Jd 9c. bi IS-4s, JP-Kh completes and all fold.
- 3: 7s 6s 4c Ad Th, IS-4c brings it in for 5,000 and all fold.
- 3: Kh 9d 6c Th Ac. bi IS-6c, DH-Th limps, TH-Ac completes, IS
and DH call. 4: 7d Ks Qh. IS bets and TH calls. 5: 4h 2c.
IS bets and TH folds.
- 3: Ts 7s Td 9d 5d. bi TH-5d, JP-7s completes, TH raises and JP calls.
4: 6c 4d. TH bets and JP calls. 5: Kc 5c. TH bets and JP calls.
6: 5h 2s. TH bets and JP calls. 7: TH bets and JP calls.
JP has (Ah 2c 9h) and TH has (Qs Qd 3d). Split Pot.
- 3: 4d Js Td Ah 5s. bi DS-4d, IS-Td limps, DH-Ah completes and IS
calls. 4: 4s 3s. DH bets and IS calls. 5: 7h Jh. DH bets and IS
calls. 6: 6s 2h. Both check. 7: Both check. IS has (6d 5d 2s)
and DH has (As Kc 7c). Split Pot.
- 3: As 4c 7d 5s 4h. bi JP-4c and DH-5s limps. 4: Qd 5c. DH bets
and JP folds.
- 3: 2s Ah Jc 9s Ks. bi DS-2s, JP-Ah completes and all fold.
- 3: 3d Jd 9d As 8s. bi DS-3d and DH-AS limps (meant to raise, but
didn't declare so). 4: Ks 4h. DH bets and DS folds.
- 3: 8s 6c Tc 3h 6d. bi DH-3h, JP-6c completes and DH calls.
4: 3s Th. JP bets and DH folds.
- 3: Qh Kh 3c Ac 9d. bi IS-3c, DH-Ac completes and IS calls.
4: Ad 3s. DH bets, IS raises and DH calls. 5: Kd Td. IS bets and
DH calls. 6: 4h Qc. IS bets and DH calls. 7: IS bets and DH calls.
IS has (As 6h 7h) and DH has (6d 2c 4s). Split Pot.
- 3: 6c 7c Kc Qh As. DS-6c (5c 7d) completes to 5,000, TH-As (Ad 7h)
raises, DS re-raises 3,000 all-in and TH calls. 4: Ks 3d. 5: Td 6d.
6: Ac 6d. 7: (4d) (Js). Split Pot.
- 3: Qs 4c Th 3c 3h. bi DH-3c, JP-4c completes and all fold.
- 3: Ks 6d Qc 3s Jd. bi DH-3s, DS-Ks (9c 9h) completes, JP-6d (As 5s)
raises and DS re-raises 3,000 all-in, and JP calls. 4: Jc 3h.
5: Th 8h. 6: Qh 7d. 7: (4h) (2c). Split Pot.
- 3: Jd 2h Ac 9d 3h. bi JP-2h, IS-Ac limps and DH-9d limps. 4: Ah 6s 4h.
JP bets and IS calls. 5: As 5h. JP bets and IS calls. 6: Ks 7h.
IS bets and JP calls. 7: IS bets and JP calls. JP has (2d 7d Ts)
and IS scoops with (3d 4s Kd).
- 3: 4h 4c 6c 5h 7d. bi JP-4c and IS-6c limps. 4: Ts Qs. JP bets
and IS folds.
- 3: Td 9c 3s 8d 4d. bi IS-3s, DH-8d limps, TH-4d completes and DH
calls. 4: Jd Kh. TH bets and DH calls. 5: Ah 9s. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: Td 7c 4s Th Jc. bi IS-4s, TH-Jc (Qc Qd) completes, JP-7c (Ac 2c)
raises and TH calls. 4: Ah Jh. TH bets and JP calls. 5: 6h 6c.
TH bets and JP calls. 6: 3h 3d. TH bets, JP raises 3,000 all-in
and TH calls. 7: (Tc) (5s). Split Pot.
- 3: 5d 4s Qs 6c Kc. bi JP-4s, DS-5d completes and all fold.
JP shows (Jc 9c).
- 3: Th 6h Jc Ac 4s. bi TH-4s, DH-Ac completes and TH calls.
4: 4c Qs. DH bets and TH folds.
*** Approximate Chip count
DH 170,000
IS 85,000
TH 65,000
JP 40,000
DS 17,000
- 3: Ad Kc 3c 4h Ah. bi IS-3c, TH-Ah completes and all fold.
- 3: 9d 7s 7h Qd Kh. bi IS-7h, DH-Qd completes and all fold.
- 3: Tc 2c Qh 2h Ac. bi JP-2c, DH-2h limps, TH-Ac completes and DH
calls. 4: Kd 6h. TH bets and DH calls. 5: 5c Td. Both check.
6: Qc 5d. TH bets and DH calls. 7: TH bets and DH calls.
TH shows (3d 6d 3c) and DH mucks. DH shows Ad.
- 3: 5s 9h 2s Kc Ks. bi IS-2s, DH-Kc (Kd Jd) completes, DS-5s (Qc Qs)
raises, DH re-raises and DS calls 4,000 all-in. 4: Qd 6c. 5: 4s 2h.
6: Tc 5h. 7: (4h) (Js). DS scoops.
- 3: Jh 2c 3h Kc Qc. bi JP-2c, TH-Qc completes and all fold.
JP shows (Ks Ts).
- 3: 9c 8d 7s 6h 5h. bi TH-5h, DS-9c completes and DH-6h calls.
4: Jc 4c. DS bets and DH calls. 5: Qd As. DH bets and DS calls.
6: 4d 8c. Both check. 7: Both check. DS shows (Qh 9d 3d) and
DH mucks. DH shows (8 6).
- 3: Ts Td Ac 7h As. bi DH-7h, TH-As completes and DH calls.
4: 2d Jh. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: 8c Ad 9d 5c 2c. bi TH-2c, JP-Ad completes, IS-9d calls, DH-5c
and TH call. 4: Ks 6d Js Jd. IS bets and DH calls. 5: 5h 2d.
IS bets and DH calls. 6: Tc 8d. DH bets and IS calls. 7: DH bets
and IS calls. IS has (Qd 3d 9h) and DH has (4c 6s As). Split Pot.
- 3: 5s 4d 3s 9c 8c. bi IS-3s, TH-8c completes and IS calls.
4: 9h 6h. IS bets, TH raises and IS calls. 5: 2s Qd. IS bets
and TH calls. 6: 3d 2c. IS bets and TH calls. 7: Both check.
IS shows (Th 7s 9s) and TH mucks.
- 3: 3d Ts 5s 8s Ad. bi DS-3d and DH-8s limps. 4: Jc Qd. Both check.
5: 3s 6d. DH bets and DS folds. DS shows (2d 4d).
- 3: Jc 5h 6c Td 3s. bi TH-3s and all fold.
- 3: Qs Th Js 5c 6h. bi DH-5c, TH-6h completes, IS-Js raises and TH
calls. 4: 2c 4c. IS bets and TH calls. 5: 7h 8c. Both check.
6: Kh Ts. Both check. 7: TH bets and IS calls. TH scoops with
(6c 6s 2s). IS shows (Jd 7s 8h).
- 3: 2c 7h 8s 7d 9c. DS-2c completes, IS-8s calls, DH-7d raises, DS
calls and IS calls. 4: 9d 5h Jd. IS bets and DH calls. 5: Jh 8d.
DH bets and IS calls. 6: 4s Ks. DH bets and IS calls. 7: DH bets
and IS calls. DH has (Ad 6d 3c) and IS has (2h 3d 8c). Split Pot.
- 3: 3d 4h 8c Qs Jc. bi DS-3d, JP-4h completes and DS calls.
4: Qh Td. JP bets and DS folds.
- 3: Ts Ah 2d Tc 5h. bi IS-2d and TH-5h limps. 4: Qd 5c. TH bets
and IS folds.
- 3: 9d 8s Qs Td 9c. bi JP-8s, TH-9c limps and DS-9d limps.
4: 7c Ad 6h. JP bets and DS calls. 5: Ac Qc. Both check.
6: Kh 7h. JP bets and DS folds.
- 3: Jh 2h Th Qd Kh. bi JP-2h, TH-Kh completes and all fold.
- 3: 5d 2d 4c Qh Tc. bi JP-2d, TH-Tc limps, DS-5d completes and all
*** Break from 6:21 PM until 6:31 PM. Limits increase to 10,000/20,000
with a $2,000 ante and $3,000 bring in.
- 3: 3d 7c 9c Ks 5s. bi DS-3d and IS-9c limps. 4: Ac 6c.
IS bets and DS folds.
- 3: 7d Jd 9h 2s Ah. bi DH-2s, TH-Ah completes and all fold.
- 3: Qd 5h 8h 6d Jc. bi JP-5h and DH-6d limps. 4: Qh 6s.
bets and JP folds.
- 3: 9d 8h 7c Ac Th. bi IS-7c, DH-Ac completes and all fold.
DH shows (As 5d).
- 3: 3d 9d Qh Qs 2s. bi TH-2s (As 3c), DS-3d (Ts Th) completes,
JP-9d (Ah Ac) raises 7,000 all-in, TH calls and DS calls.
4: Kd Jd Tc. Both check. 5: 8d 6d Qd. Both check. 6: 4d 5c Ad.
TH bets and DS calls 3,000 all-in. 7: (8s) (5s) (Kh). DS scoops
the side Pot and JP scoops the main Pot.
- 3: 5s As Qc Kd 7c. DS-5s (6c Jd) bi for 4,000 all-in and JP-As (3c 8d)
completes. 4: 3d 3h. 5: 4d Th. 6: 5h 2d. 7: 8c Td. Split Pot.
- 3: 8s 6s 3s 5h 6d. bi IS-3s, DH-5h limps, JP-6s completes and
DH calls. 4: Jc 6c. DH bets and JP folds.
- 3: 2c 5d Qh Jd Js. DS-2c (7d 8d) bi for 5,000 all-in, JP-5d calls,
TH-Js (Td 8s) raises and JP folds. 4: Kh 2h. 5: 5c 2s. 6: 2h 6s.
7: (9d) (Jc). TH scoops.
*** Dave Scharf finishes 5th at 6:43 PM.
- 3: Kc Ac As Kd. All limp. 4: 6d 3c Qc 6h. IS bets and all fold.
- 3: 7h Td Jh 3s. bi TH-3s, DH-Jh completes and all fold.
- 3: Jc 6s 7s 2h. bi TH-2h and all fold.
- 3: 8h 4c 2d 3s. bi DH-2d and IS-4c limps. 4: Td 6s. DH bets and
IS calls. 5: 5h As. DH bets and IS calls. 6: Kc Jh. DH bets and
IS folds.
- 3: 5h 8s 9s Jc. bi JP-5h, TH-Jc completes and all fold.
TH shows (7h 7d).
- 3: 2h Qh As 4c. bi JP-2h, IS-Qh completes and all fold.
- 3: Ah Ts Ks 9c. bi TH-9c, JP-Ah completes, IS-Ts raises and
all fold.
- 3: 3c Qh Qd 7c. bi JP-3c and DH-Qd limps. 4: 8c Ac. Both check.
5: 5h Ad. DH bets and JP folds.
*** Approximate Chip count
DH 200,000
TH 100,000
IS 70,000
JP 7,000
- 3: 4h Kd 6d Qc. JP-4h (2c 5d) bi for 5,000 all-in and DH-6d (Qs 3d)
calls. 4: 2s 8d. 5: 2h 6c. 6: 6s 3c. 7: (Ts) (Th). JP scoops.
- 3: 8d As Ad 4h. bi TH-4h, IS-As completes, DH-Ad raises and IS calls.
4: 5c Kh. IS bets and DH folds.
- 3: 3s Td 2c 8h. bi DH-2c, JP-3s completes and all fold.
- 3: Jh 2h Tc 8d. bi IS-2h, TH-8d (3s 5c) completes, JP-JH (8c Jd)
raises and TH calls. 4: As 9d. JP bets 3,000 all-in and TH calls.
5: Ks 7c. 6: 9c 7d. 7: (Ad) (7h). TH scoops.
*** Jeff Pierce finishes 4th at 6:58 PM.
- 3: 7d 6h Kc. bi DH-6h and all fold.
- 3: 6h Th 4c. bi TH-4c and all fold.
- 3: Qs 9s Qh. bi DH-9s, TH-Qh completes and all fold.
- 3: 9d Qd Jd. bi IS-9d, TH-Jd completes and all fold.
- 3: 4s Ac 6h. IS-4s completes and TH-6h calls. 4: Ah As.
IS bets and TH calls. 5: 3d 5h. IS bets and TH folds.
*** Approximate Chip count
DH 175,000
TH 125,000
IS 77,000
- 3: 4s Th 7c. bi IS-4s and DH-Th limps. 4: 6s Ah.
DH bets and IS folds.
- 3: 4s As 6c. IS-4s completes and DH-As calls. 4: Qh Ah.
DH bets and IS folds.
- 3: 3s Qs 6s. bi IS-3s, DH-Qs completes and TH-6s calls. 4: Tc Ks.
Both check. 5: 4d Ac. TH bets and DH folds.
- 3: 7d 2h 4s. bi DH-2h and TH-4s limps. 4: 5c 3d. TH bets and DH calls.
5: Qs 6d. TH bets and DH folds.
- 3: 2d Jd 7c. bi IS-2d, TH-7c completes, IS raises and TH calls.
4: Ac 5d. IS bets and TH calls. 5: Kc 8c. IS bets and TH calls.
6: Tc 9c. TH bets and IS calls. 7: TH bets and IS reluctantly calls
9,000 all-in. IS (Kh Qh 4h). TH (4d 5s 6d). TH scoops.
*** Ira Schwartz finishes 3rd at 7:10 PM.
Deal Break until 7:25 PM. Deal probable.
Chip count:
TH 222,000
DH 155,000
- 3: 2d 9d. Both limp. 4: 6c Jh. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: Ts 7s. Both limp. 4: 4d Qs. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: 2c Js. TH completes and DH folds.
- 3: 5d 3c. DH completes and TH calls. 4: Ah Ts. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: Th Jh. TH completes and DH calls. 4: 9d Jd. TH bets and DH folds.
- 3: 9s Ac. DH completes and TH calls. 4: 7c 6d. TH bets and DH calls.
5: 3c Qc. TH bets and DH calls. 6: 8s 2d. TH bets and DH calls.
7: TH bets and DH calls. TH has (Qs Qd Ts) and DH has (Ah 2h 7d).
Split Pot.
- 3: Kh 6h. bi TH and DH folds.
- 3: 3d 9s. TH completes and DH calls. 4: 7s 7h. DH bets and TH calls.
5: Qd Th. TH bets and DH calls. 6: As 9h. TH bets and DH calls.
7: TH bets and DH folds. DH shows (Jd 8d Ks).
- 3: Jc 2h. DH completes and TH folds.
- 3: Jd Js. bi DH and TH folds.
- 3: 8s Ts. bi DH and TH folds.
- 3: 6h 7d. TH completes and DH folds.
- 3: 9h Th. bi DH and TH folds.
- 3: 5s 2h. DH completes and TH folds.
- 3: 2h 8s. bi DH and TH folds.
- 3: Kh 7s. DH completes and TH folds.
- 3: 3c Jd. TH completes and DH folds.
- 3: 4s Qd. bi DH and TH folds.
- 3: Ac Jc. DH completes and TH folds.
- 3: 3c 2c. bi TH and DH folds.
- 3: 9c 8h. DH completes and TH calls. 4: Kd Js. DH bets and TH calls.
5: 3s 3h. TH bets and DH calls. 6: 5h 2d. Both check. 7: Th bets and
DH calls. DH shows (Qd Qs Jd) and TH mucks.
- 3: 2c Js. bi DH and TH folds.
- 3: 7s Ac. TH completes and DH calls. 4: 3c Js. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: 7c Ac. TH completes and DH calls. 4: Js 9c. TH bets and DH calls.
5: Qh 2h. TH bets and DH calls. 6: 5d 8s. TH bets and DH calls.
7: TH bets and DH calls. TH shows (2s 9s 9d) and DH mucks.
- 3: 9c Ad. TH completes and DH calls. 4: Kh Td. TH bets and DH calls.
5: Jh 9d. TH bets and DH folds.
- 3: 7h 4s. DH completes and TH folds.
- 3: Jc 7c. DH completes and TH calls. 4: 7h 9d. DH bets and TH folds.
- 3: As Qh. DH completes and TH folds.
- 3: 6d Js. bi DH and TH folds.
- 3: 4s 3c. DH completes and TH folds.
- 3: 8d 8c. DH completes, TH raises and DH calls. 4: 2d 5d. TH bets
and DH calls. 5: 9h 3h. TH bets and DH calls. 6: Ac Qh. Both check.
7: TH bets and DH folds.
*** Approximate Chip count
TH 300,000
DH 77,000
- 3: Ah 8d. DH-Ah (4c 5s) completes, TH-8d (Td Ts) raises, DH re-raises
and TH calls. 4: 7d 2h. DH bets and TH calls. 5: 2d Qs. DH bets
19,000 all-in and TH calls. 6: 6s 4d. 7: (Jd) (As). Split Pot.
- 3: 7h 5d. bi TH and DH folds.
- 3: Jd 7h. DH completes and TH folds.
- 3: 8d 9h. Both limp. 4: 2d Th. DH bets and TH calls. 5: Ts Jd.
TH bets and DH calls. 6: 8s 9d. TH bets and DH calls. 7: TH bets
and DH calls. TH has (8h 6h 7d) and DH has (7s 3s 5h). Split Pot.
- 3: 3d 6s. bi DH and TH folds.
- 3: Ah 3s. DH-Ah (8c 5h) completes, TH 3s (Th Ts) raises and DH calls.
4: Qh 6s. TH bets and DH calls. 5: 4c 3d. TH bets and DH calls.
6: Kc 9h. DH bets 14,000 all-in and TH calls. 7: (Js) (Qd).
TH scoops.
*** Don Holt finishes second and Tom Hufnagle wins the $1,500 Limit
7 Card Stud High/Low 8 or better Championship at 7:58 PM.